Nearly 7 million bats may have died from white-nose fungus – ‘Regional extinction of multiple species’

By Darryl Fears17 January 2012 More than five years since the deadly white-nose fungus was first detected in a New York cave where bats hibernate, up to 6.7 million of the animals are estimated to have died in 16 states and Canada, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced Tuesday. The estimate, drawn from surveys […]

Russia warming at twice the global rate

Moscow, January 17 (IANS/RIA Novosti) – Temperatures in Russia in the past century rose at twice the rate of warming in the rest of the world, the emergencies ministry said. “Despite ongoing discussions in the scientific community about the nature and long-term outlook for global climate change, the fact of global warming itself is uncontroversial,” […]

Climate science denial seeps into U.S. science classrooms

By Neela Banerjee, Washington Bureau 16 January 2012 Reporting from Washington – A flash point has emerged in American science education that echoes the battle over evolution, as scientists and educators report mounting resistance to the study of man-made climate change in middle and high schools. Although scientific evidence increasingly shows that fossil fuel consumption […]

Aerosol particle increase linked to more rainfall: study

By Nina Chestney, editing by Rosalind Russell15 January 2012 LONDON (Reuters) – A rise in the atmosphere of aerosols – miniscule particles which include soot, dust and sulphates – has led to more rainfall in certain parts of the world and could provide vital clues for future climate predictions, a scientific study shows. A deeper […]

Video: NASA says Canada ‘hot spot’ of ecological change

[cf. NASA: Climate change to bring big ecosystem changes – Current warming is 100 times faster than end of last ice age. Apologies in advance for the advertisement.] By Mychaylo Prystupa, CBC News 12 January 2012 A new NASA study predicts massive ecological changes for Canada’s Prairies and boreal regions by the year 2100. Those […]

Image of the Day: Satellite View of Receding Floodwaters around Ayutthaya, Thailand, 9 January 2011

Ayutthaya, Thailand, 9 January 2011   Ayutthaya, Thailand, 1 December 2011 Caption by Michon Scott9 January 2012 Flood waters continued receding in Thailand’s historic city of Ayutthaya in December 2011 and January 2012. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite captured the top image on 9 January 2012, and the bottom […]

Rare stonefly, found only in Glacier National Park, threatened by melting glaciers

Contacts:  Scott Hoffman Black, Xerces Society, (503) 449-3792Noah Greenwald, Center for Biological Diversity, (503) 484-7495 16 December 2011 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, Montana – In response to a scientific petition from the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and Center for Biological Diversity, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today determined that the western glacier stonefly, an […]

Geopolitical implications of ‘Peak Everything’ – U.S. is ‘an empire in decline’

By Richard Heinberg 10 January 2012 From competition among hunter-gatherers for wild game to imperialist wars over precious minerals, resource wars have been fought throughout history; today, however, the competition appears set to enter a new—and perhaps unprecedented—phase. As natural resources deplete, and as the Earth’s climate becomes less stable, the world’s nations will likely […]

‘Doomsday Clock’ moves one minute closer to midnight due to continuing inaction on climate change

CONTACT: Patrick Mitchell, (703) 276-3266, or pmitchell@hastingsgroup.com10 January 2012 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Faced with inadequate progress on nuclear weapons reduction and proliferation, and continuing inaction on climate change, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) announced today that it has moved the hands of its famous “Doomsday Clock” to five minutes to midnight. The last […]

South of Thailand welcomes 2012 with massive floods, landslides and mudslides

By Cassandra James, Asia Travel Examiner4 January 2012 Just as the north of Thailand and Bangkok has begun the clean-up after our massive flooding that lasted more than three months, the south of the country is now experiencing flooding — for the third time in just a few months. While some southern cities like Nakhon […]

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