Leaked documents reveal Heartland Institute’s assault on climate science: ‘Dissuading teachers from teaching science’

[Update: The “dissuading teachers” document is probably fake, but the rest appear legit. ] [Desdemona wonders if the commercial mass media will give this story the same attention that the manufactured “Climategate” affair received.] By Phil Plait15 February 2012 The Heartland Institute — a self-described “think tank” that actually serves in part as a way […]

Cupid’s Lament: Global warming could melt Valentine’s Day favorites

Cupid’s Lament Technorati Tags: agriculture,global warming,climate change,Indonesia,Africa,crop failure

Texas drought: 20 percent of freshwater fish threatened with extinction

By John Nielsen-Gammon 13 February 2012 The University of Texas’s new Center for Integrated Earth System Science is hosting its first public event today: a water forum entitled “Texas Drought 2012 — Are We Prepared?” The morning talks featured status reports from various state and regional agencies, while the afternoon featured water research tools and capabilities […]

Thailand flooding costs Lloyd’s of London $2.2 billion – Total cost estimated at $15-$20 billion

By Juliette Garside, www.guardian.co.uk 14 February 2012 Lloyd’s of London has estimated that it is liable for $2.22bn (£1.4bn) of net claims from the flooding that devastated Thailand last year. In a first calculation of its liability for the damage, released to the City on Tuesday, the insurance market said the claims were unlikely to […]

Microbial ecosystems changing as oceans warm

Media Contact: David Stauth, 541-737-0787      Stephen Giovannoni, 541-737-1835      CORVALLIS, Oregon – As oceans warm due to climate change, water layers will mix less and affect the microbes and plankton that pump carbon out of the atmosphere – but researchers say it’s still unclear whether these processes will further increase global warming or decrease it. The […]

Pro-oil lobby urged feds to deliver climate-change solutions as Canada’s environmental reputation sinks

By Mike De Souza, mdesouza@postmedia.com, Postmedia News 12 February 2012 OTTAWA – A taxpayer-funded pro-oil lobbying retreat, involving Canada’s European diplomats and industry, has urged the federal government to deliver real climate change solutions to restore the country’s sagging environmental reputation. The two-day retreat, held 1-2 February 2011 in London, England, concluded that Canada’s foreign […]

As climate changes, ‘100-year floods’ may happen every three to 20 years

By Jennifer Chu, MIT News Office13 February 2012 Last August, Hurricane Irene spun through the Caribbean and parts of the eastern United States, leaving widespread wreckage in its wake. The Category 3 storm whipped up water levels, generating storm surges that swept over seawalls and flooded seaside and inland communities. Many hurricane analysts suggested, based […]

Texas drought: ‘This is the worst year ever for quality of deer, no question’

By Kim Gierke Special to the Standard-Times11 February 2012 SAN ANGELO, Texas – The West Texas deer season wrapped up in January and, as expected, it was the worst season in recent memory. The drought of 2011 had a devastating impact on the deer herd and forced hunters, guides and taxidermists to scramble to make […]

600 dead in record Europe freeze – Tens of thousands stranded by snow

By Sahit Muja, NY Economy and Politics Examiner11 February 2012 Europe’s record freezing temperatures have claimed hundreds of lives, snarled traffic and trapped hundreds of thousand of residents in remote villages . At least seven people died and three others were missing after an avalanche hit the village in Kosovo. There are reports of weather-related […]

Graph of the Day: Yale Environmental Performance Index for 132 Countries, 2000-2010

The 2012 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) and Pilot Trend EPI (Trend EPI) rank 132 countries on 22 performance indicators in ten policy categories and two overarching objectives that reflect facets of Environmental Health and Ecosystem Vitality. These indicators provide a gauge of how close countries are to environmental policy goals. The EPI’s proximity-to-target methodology facilitates […]

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