Why the global warming skeptics are wrong

By William D. Nordhaus2 March 2012 The threat of climate change is an increasingly important environmental issue for the globe. Because the economic questions involved have received relatively little attention, I have been writing a nontechnical book for people who would like to see how market-based approaches could be used to formulate policy on climate […]

Drought conditions in England ‘set to widen’

24 February 2012 (BBC) – Ongoing dry weather over the spring and summer threatens to place more areas of England in a state of drought, the Environment Agency (EA) has warned [pdf]. It singled out parts of western, central and south western England and parts of south east Yorkshire. The agency said time was running […]

Climate change or not, 2011 weather hurt tech

By Patrick Thibodeau, pthibodeau@computerworld.com 1 March 2012 Scientists expect that climate change will increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, and last fall’s flooding in Thailand fit the definition of extreme. The floods were one the world’s most costly disasters in recent times, and it had a major effect on hard disk drive […]

The greening of faith: Santorum is at odds with his own church on environmental issues

By Larry B. Stammer27 February 2012 It has long been a maxim that mixing religion and politics can spell trouble. So when Rick Santorum told a partisan crowd in Columbus, Ohio, recently that President Obama’s worldview was based on a “phony theology” that drives “radical environmentalists,” he must have known his comments would reverberate far […]

Global warming feeds bark beetles: Are they unstoppable?

By Dean Kuipers27 February 2012 Hear the sound of chewing out in our vast forests of lodgepole pine, spruce and fir, the chewing that’s already destroyed half the commercial timber in important regions like British Columbia? That’s the sound of climate change, says biologist Reese Halter. Global warming in the form of a bark beetle. […]

Behind the controversy, an effort to rewrite curriculum on climate change

By LESLIE KAUFMAN23 February 2012 Focus on the contents of the internal documents leaked last week from the Heartland Institute, a Chicago-based nonprofit known for attacking climate science, has been largely lost in the wake of the revelation of the leaker’s identity: Peter Gleick, a scientist. But beyond the controversy and the confession is the […]

The world in 2050: Deutsche Post DHL releases a study on the future

Berlin/Bonn, 27 February 2012 (DHL) – With its release of the study of the future, Delivering Tomorrow: Logistics 2050, Deutsche Post DHL is taking a far-reaching look into the future of trade, business and society. The study examines five different scenarios of life in the year 2050. These five visions of the future are based […]

Graph of the Day: Accumulated Property Damage from Hurricanes, 2000 – 2100

Accumulated property damage from 2000 to the year on the abscissa for hurricanes downscaled from the GFDL CM2.0 model, for constant climate (blue) and a warming climate under IPCC scenario A1b (red). The solid curves show particular realizations of a 1000-member ensemble, while the error bars show one standard deviation up and down from the […]

Texas drought eases, but it’s too late for some – Drought worsens in western U.S.

By Andrew Freedman25 February 2012 (Climate Central) – Defying seasonal climate forecasts, this winter has been very good to Texas, which has been locked in the grips of one of the worst droughts in state history. But the unexpectedly generous winter storms have come too late for some, since water supplies are still running low. […]

Video: I’m A Climate Scientist – Extended Version (NSFW)

“Bitches be cryin’ about a carbon tax” In the media landscape, there are climate change deniers and believers, but rarely are those speaking about climate change actually climate scientists. Word up with these scientists and numerous students: Dr. Jason Evans, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Dr. Katrin Meissner, Senior Lecturer, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW […]

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