17 August 2013 (Associated Press) – The Oregon Department of Forestry has spent more than $70 million fighting major wildfires so far this summer, far more than it generally spends to handle conflagrations on state-protected lands. The two largest wildfires in Southern Oregon — the Big Windy and Douglas Complex fires — are responsible for […]
By Max Fisher13 August 2013 (Washington Post) – The United Nations Children’s Fund released this short video from Namibia, a country in southwestern Africa that’s twice the size of California, documenting the effects of the country’s most severe drought in decades. It’s a national emergency, and the United Nations is getting involved. Here are a […]
QUITO, 15 August 2013 (Associated Press) – Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa has abandoned a unique and ambitious plan to persuade rich countries to pay his country not to drill for oil in a pristine Amazon rainforest preserve. Environmentalists had hailed the initiative when Correa first proposed it in 2007, saying he was setting a precedent […]
14 August 2013 (Bloomberg) – Record temperatures across North Asia have killed dozens and pushed electricity grids to near breaking point, forcing governments to introduce emergency measures as more of the same heat is forecast. Air-conditioning in South Korea’s public buildings has been shut off as the government Monday warned of power shortages. China has […]
(Wolf PAC Florida) – Florida congressman Jeff Miller states his position on climate change. Miller states his commitment to defund the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Miller asserts that the majority scientific consensus on climate change is not accurate, and that he has scientists (who he does not refer to by name or institutional affiliation) to […]
By Geoffrey Mohan8 August 2013 (Los Angeles Times) – Forests in Earth’s northern latitudes have been thickened by migrating plant species and younger growth, driving a stronger gyration in the amount of carbon that cycles between land and the atmosphere each year, a new study suggests. The net rise in seasonal exchange of carbon between […]
27 June 2013 (RealClearEnergy) – President Obama may be cracking down on coal at home but he’s spurred a big surge of exports abroad. The figure was only 60 million short tons when he took office in 2009 but has more than doubled to 120 million last year. Much of this growth has come in […]
June 2013 (PERI) – PERI’s Greenhouse 100 index identifies the top companies responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. The Greenhouse 100 relies on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, which reports information from facilities in electric power and other industries that directly emit large quantities of greenhouse gases. In addition to the total […]
13 August 2013 (CNN) – As part of their push to promote President Barack Obama’s climate change agenda, the political group formed from his presidential campaign is going after Republican lawmakers who have expressed skepticism of climate change. The group sent a message on Twitter Tuesday with a photo of a “climate denier award” trophy, […]
By Nick Wing13 August 2013 (The Huffington Post) – Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) told constituents over the weekend that climate change “is a total fraud” designed by liberals to create “global government.” Now Rohrabacher wants to have a public debate where he would presumably be expected to present facts that could help him prove this […]