World’s top PR companies rule out working with climate science deniers – ‘We would not knowingly partner with a client who denies the existence of climate change’

By Suzanne Goldenberg and Nishad Karim    4 August 2014 ( – Some of the world’s top PR companies have for the first time publicly ruled out working with climate change deniers, marking a fundamental shift in the multi-billion dollar industry that has grown up around the issue of global warming. Public relations firms have played […]

Cusco Running Club: Global warming and Peru

My guest post is up at Cusco Running Club: Global Warming and Peru. Check it out if you’re interested in the effects of abrupt climate change in the rural Andes: Global warming is real You may have heard that global warming isn’t happening, or that it’s a hoax, or that it has “paused” in recent […]

Climate models on the mark, Australian-led research finds – ‘We’re still setting records even during the cold phase because we’re still warming’

By Peter Hannam, Environment Editor21 July 2014 (Sydney Morning Herald) – A common refrain by climate sceptics that surface temperatures have not warmed over the past 17 years, implying climate models predicting otherwise are unreliable, has been refuted by new research led by James Risbey, a senior CSIRO researcher. Setting aside the fact the equal […]

U.S. coastal flooding on the rise, U.S. government study finds – ‘The effects of rising sea levels are only going to become more noticeable and much more severe in the coming decades’

By Ryan McNeill; editing by John Blanton28 July 2014 (Reuters) – Flooding is increasing in frequency along much of the U.S. coast, and the rate of increase is accelerating along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts, a team of federal government scientists found in a study released Monday. The study examined how often 45 […]

California water wasters could be fined $500 a day

By DON THOMPSON15 July 2014 SACRAMENTO, California (AP) – In one of the most drastic responses yet to California’s drought, state regulators on Tuesday will consider fines up to $500 a day for people who waste water on landscaping, fountains, washing vehicles and other outdoor uses.    The rules would prohibit the watering of landscaping to […]

Forces of antiscience rebrand themselves as ‘climate optimists’ – ‘I don’t think anybody in this room denies climate change’

By Will Oremus9 July 2014 (Slate) – Las Vegas is parched. A 14-year drought has left Lake Mead, the local water source, dangerously low. It has dropped 100 feet in the past decade. If it drops 12 more feet, federal water rationing rules will kick in. Some climate scientists predict that will happen in the […]

California drought imperils a dream – ‘My fear — and it’s a real fear — is that if it doesn’t rain next year, this valley will face a reality that will rival the Great Depression’

By Diana Marcum4 July 2014 TERRA BELLA (Los Angeles Times) – At first they called Fred Lujan a gentleman farmer. The retired barber washed his tractor every night and parked it in the garage, a source of gentle amusement to the veteran growers around him. He called his pistachio trees his babies, his girls, and […]

Miami, the great world city, is drowning while the powers that be look away – ‘Climate change is no longer viewed as a future threat round here. It is something that we are having to deal with today.’

By Robin McKie, science editor11 July 2014  MIAMI (The Observer) – A drive through the sticky Florida heat into Alton Road in Miami Beach can be an unexpectedly awkward business. Most of the boulevard, which runs north through the heart of the resort’s most opulent palm-fringed real estate, has been reduced to a single lane […]

Graph of the Day: Palmer Drought Index for California Division 6, January 1900 – May 2014

12 June 2014 (NOAA) – Parts of the West, especially the southern portions, have been in drought for the last several years, with the PHDI reaching record or near-record low values at times. Time series of precipitation departure show the variation over time (New Mexico, California), while maps of the SPEI show the spatial extent […]

America’s largest reservoir drains to record low as Western drought deepens

By Brett Walton7 July 2014 (EcoWatch) – Lake Mead—America’s largest reservoir, Las Vegas’ main water source and an important indicator for water supplies in the Southwest—will fall this week to its lowest level since 1937 when the manmade lake was first being filled, according to forecasts from the federal Bureau of Reclamation. The record-setting low […]

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