Summer’s over but heatwave pushes southern California toward meltdown – Temperature hits 104F in San Fernando valley

By Rory Carroll6 October 2014 Los Angeles ( – “Stay safe!” went the mantra, as tens of thousands of cyclists zipped around Los Angeles this weekend for CicLAvia, an event to celebrate public spaces. Fellow riders, pedestrians and police shouted it as much in greeting as exhortation since clearly the safest thing was to be […]

Canada federal government puts polar briefings on ice – Tories have been thwarting scientists’ efforts to keep Canadians informed on Arctic ice levels

By Margaret Munro18 August 2014 (Postmedia News) – Federal scientists who keep a close eye on the Arctic ice would like to routinely brief Canadians about extraordinary events unfolding in the North. But newly released federal documents show the Harper government has been thwarting their efforts. In 2012, as the Arctic ice hit the lowest […]

Limiting global warming to 2°C – Why Victor and Kennel are wrong

[For background, see 2 bold proposals emerge to change climate negotiations.] By Stefan Rahmstorf1 October 2014 (RealClimate) – In a comment in Nature titled “Ditch the 2°C warming goal”, political scientist David Victor and retired astrophysicist Charles Kennel advocate just that. But their arguments don’t hold water. It is clear that the opinion article by […]

Image of the Day: 35,000 walrus haul out in northwest Alaska

By Dan Joling30 September 2014 ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Associated Press) – Pacific walrus that can’t find sea ice for resting in Arctic waters are coming ashore in record numbers on a beach in northwest Alaska. An estimated 35,000 walrus were photographed Saturday about 5 miles north of Point Lay, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric […]

Climate change affecting Canada’s northern forests ‘faster than the global average,’ says government report

By Tim Naumetz30 September 2014 PARLIAMENT HILL (Hill Times) – One day after a world conference on climate change in New York City last week that Prime Minister Stephen Harper declined to attend, his Cabinet minister for natural resources quietly tabled a report providing detailed background on the effect climate change is wreaking on Canada’s […]

Climate scientist Michael Mann: ‘A generation from now, we are looking at an entirely different planet’

By Carol Schaeffer29 September 2014 (Planet Experts) – While events surrounding last week’s U.N. Climate Summit come to a close, leading climate scientist and Planet Expert Dr. Michael Mann stresses that the window to act is rapidly closing. On Saturday, Dr. Mann participated in a panel discussion at the Queens Museum entitled, “Climate Wars: Propaganda, […]

As Peru relaxes environmental safeguards, a Peruvian ecologist explains why he resigned from his government post – ‘You fight until you fall dead’

By Emma Marris29 September 2014 COCHA CASHU BIOLOGICAL STATION, Peru (National Geographic News) – Ernesto Ráez-Luna, a prominent Peruvian ecologist and environmentalist, has spent his career fighting for the Amazon rain forest. In 2011, he was appointed as an adviser to Peru’s Ministry of the Environment. In this role, Ráez-Luna was involved in organizing the […]

Video: Naomi Klein – This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate

30 September 2014 (Talking Stick TV) – Talk by Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate, given 28 September 2014 at Town Hall in Seattle. TalkingStickTV – Naomi Klein – This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate Technorati Tags: global warming,climate change,financial collapse,corruption

World wildlife populations halved in 40 years – ‘The scale of biodiversity loss and damage to the very ecosystems that are essential to our existence is alarming’

By Roger Harrabin30 September 2014 (BBC News) – The global loss of species is even worse than previously thought, the London Zoological Society (ZSL) says in its new Living Planet Index [pdf]. The report suggests populations have halved in 40 years, as new methodology gives more alarming results than in a report two years ago. […]

Zero percent water: Record drought killing off century-old California farms

By Alan Heathcock22 September 2014 (Matter) – I speed along highway 99, the asphalt bleary under the high scorching sun. I’m heading to Kingsburg to speak with farmers about one of the worst recorded droughts in California history. I’m running late, a little lost. My GPS screen flickers. The electric-lady-voice instructs me to turn right, […]

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