The Pope’s encyclical on climate change: Live reaction and analysis

By Adam Vaughan18 June 2015 (The Guardian) – On Thursday the Vatican published Pope Francis’s long-awaited encyclical on the environment, which warns of ‘serious consequences’ if the world does not act on climate change. [English translation: LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore] Ban Ki-moon reacts: The secretary-general welcomes the papal encyclical released today by His Holiness Pope […]

Photo gallery: 27 images that suggest the human species is in danger

24. To the last drop: an oilfield in California and the merciless overexploitation of humans. (Hefty) – Sometimes every word is superfluous. These pictures say more than a thousand words. [more] 27 images that prove that we are in danger. #7 left my mouth open. Technorati Tags: oil production,overpopulation,population,mining,global warming,climate change,deforestation,poaching,wildfire,forest fire,pollution

Rare Guadalupe fur seals stranding in record numbers – ‘These stranded animals are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of animals affected by the unusually warm water temperatures we’ve been seeing off the coast’

10 June 2015 (The Marine Mammal Center) – California sea lions aren’t the only pinnipeds in crisis this year. Guadalupe fur seals, a threatened species, seem to be struggling with the same food availability issues and have stranded along our coast at five times the record yearly rate. With their diminutive snouts, extra-long front flippers […]

Largest reservoir in São Paulo could dry up by August

By Vanessa Dezem15 June 2015 (Bloomberg) – After drought pushed São Paulo to the verge of severe water rationing, late summer rains gave the state-run utility Sabesp, Brazil’s biggest water provider, a second chance to fix infrastructure that city officials blamed for the crisis. With the dry season starting, it’s a rush against time to […]

Drought, heat, and insects responsible for killing more than 12 million trees in California

By Julie Cohen9 June 2015 (UCSB) – A combination of drought, heat and insects is responsible for the death of more than 12 million trees in California, according to a new study from UC Santa Barbara’s National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). Members of the NCEAS working group studying environmental factors contributing to […]

Pope’s warning on global warming stirs controversy

By David O’Reilly and Tom Avril 13 June 2015 (Philadelphia Inquirer) – On the day he was elected pope, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina stood before a line of his fellow cardinals to receive their blessings. “Don’t forget the poor,” whispered his Brazilian friend, Cardinal Claudio Hummes, as the two embraced in the Sistine Chapel. […]

Humpback whales exhausted as food sources depleted due to climate change, researcher says

By Gian De Poloni13 June 2015 (ABC) – Climate change could be responsible for humpback whales becoming exhausted during their annual migration to warmer waters, a whale researcher says. Janelle Braithwaite examined historical whaling data and says climate change may be depleting the Antarctic food sources whales rely on to store energy for their long […]

The Weather Channel confronts Republicans on global warming

By Eric Holthaus12 June 2015 (Slate) – On Wednesday, the Weather Channel launched a dramatic campaign it says is intended to help shift the climate change conversation from science to solutions. The series of short videos, called Climate 25, is surprisingly political for a venue like the Weather Channel, and most are aimed at making […]

Texas Congressman Lamar Smith declares war on NASA and EPA climate science research

By Kyla Mandel 11 June 2015 (Desmog UK) – Lamar Smith, a Republican member of the US House of Representatives, has declared war on the Obama administration, NASA and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to undermine attempts to prevent dangerous climate change, report Kyla Mandel and Brendan Montague from Washington DC, USA. Speaking at […]

NASA releases detailed global climate change projections through the year 2100

9 June 2015 (NASA) – NASA has released data showing how temperature and rainfall patterns worldwide may change through the year 2100 because of growing concentrations of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere. The dataset, which is available to the public, shows projected changes worldwide on a regional level in response to different scenarios of increasing […]

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