New study finds ocean acidification destroying coral reefs in the Florida Keys – ‘We don’t have as much time as we previously thought. The reefs are beginning to dissolve away.’

MIAMI, 1 May 2016 () —In a new study, University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science researchers found that the limestone that forms the foundation of coral reefs along the Florida Reef Tract is dissolving during the fall and winter months on many reefs in the Florida Keys. The research showed […]

Video: Largest wildfire evacuation in Alberta’s history forces tens of thousands of Fort McMurray residents to flee

[Live updates from CBC: Breaking updates on the Fort McMurray wildfire] 4 May 2016 (CBC News) – Fire officials battling a raging wildfire in Fort McMurray, Alberta, are braced for another hot, dry and windy day, warning that the situation could be as bad or worse than the day before, when whole neighbourhoods burned down […]

Novosibirsk Reservoir in Siberia is completely ice-free

03 May 2016 (Siberian Times) – On 1 May 2016, the “Ob Sea” [Novosibirsk Reservoir], close to Novosibirsk, was completely clear of ice. Go back even a few years and locals expected to see an ice cover on this vast manmade reservoir on the 3,650 kilometre Ob River at the start of May. Yet pictures […]

King County judge makes historic ruling against Washington State in climate change case – ‘These children can’t wait, the polar bears can’t wait, the people of Bangladesh can’t wait’

  [cf. Judge denies motions by fossil fuel industry and federal government in landmark climate change case – ‘The most important lawsuit on the planet right now’] By Sydney Brownstone29 April 2016 (The Stranger) – A King County Superior Court judge has reversed a ruling that gave the Washington State Department of Ecology the opportunity […]

Food system shock: Global warming’s greatest threat to civilization

By Jeff Masters29 April 2016  ( – The greatest threat of climate change to civilization over the next 40 years is likely to be climate change-amplified extreme droughts and floods hitting multiple major global grain-producing “breadbaskets” simultaneously. A “Food System Shock” report issued in 2015 by insurance giant Lloyd’s of London outlined a plausible extreme […]

Global warming is ‘devastating’ the Great Barrier Reef – ‘These kinds of temperatures in the future will become normal’

By John Upton28 April 2016 (Climate Central) – Warm ocean waters that sucked the color and vigor from sweeping stretches of the world’s greatest expanse of corals last month were driven by climate change, according to a new analysis by scientists, who are warning of worse impacts ahead. Climate change made it 175 times more […]

Global warming could deplete ocean oxygen, with severe consequences – ‘This inexorable force of human-induced warming will clearly result in widespread ocean deoxygenation in the future’

[cf. Graph of the Day: Simulated catastrophic decline of plankton in warming oceans] By Chris Mooney28 April 2016 (Washington Post) – In the long list of troubling climate change scenarios, there’s one that gets relatively little attention, but definitely has enormous potential consequences. It goes like this: The oceans are getting warmer — they are, […]

UN relief chief: ‘Worst case scenarios’ could become reality without more funding for El Niño response – $2.2 billion funding gap ‘alarming’

26 April 2016 (UN) – With 60 million people across the world affected by droughts, floods and other extreme weather events triggered by El Niño, the top United Nations relief official today called on the international community to act now to address urgent humanitarian needs and support building communities’ resilience to future shocks. “I am […]

Scientists now have a platform for grading climate journalism

By Daniel Nethery 26 April 2016 (The Guardian) – The internet represents an extraordinary opportunity for democracy. Never before has it been possible for people from all over the world to access the latest information and collectively seek solutions to the challenges which face our planet, and not a moment too soon: the year 2015 […]

World heading for catastrophe over natural disasters, risk expert warns – ‘We’ll see many more examples of cascading crises, where one event triggers another event, which triggers another event’

By Sam Jones24 April 2016 (The Guardian) – The world’s failure to prepare for natural disasters will have “inconceivably bad” consequences as climate change fuels a huge increase in catastrophic droughts and floods and the humanitarian crises that follow, the UN’s head of disaster planning has warned. Last year, earthquakes, floods, heatwaves and landslides left […]

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