A huge Antarctic glacier just lost another chunk of ice — and we know because of NASA

By Chelsea Harvey 22 February 2017 (The Washington Post) – One of Antarctica’s most rapidly melting glaciers has shed yet another large block of ice in an event that NASA scientists say is “further evidence of the ice shelf’s fragility.” The agency drew attention to the incident in a tweet Wednesday morning.  Pine Island Glacier, […]

Video: Flyover of Larsen C Ice Shelf crack, February 2017

21 February 2017 (British Antarctic Survey) – Currently a huge iceberg, roughly the size of Norfolk, looks set to break off Larsen C Ice Shelf, which is more than twice the size of Wales. Satellite observations from February 2017 show the growing crack in the ice shelf which suggests that an iceberg with an area […]

US Antarctic expert Eric Rignot on climate science in the age of Trump – “There’s a lot at stake here”

By Veronika Meduna 14 February 2017 (The Spinoff) – US-based glaciologist Eric Rignot is in New Zealand this week to talk about polar ice sheets and their potential to add to predicted sea level rise. He tells Veronika Meduna that it’s more important than ever to discuss climate science and what it’s like to be […]

Insurance industry grapples with potential losses from climate change

By Michael Lee19 February 2017 (Crain’s Detroit Business) – Climate change presents a knotty problem — and big risks — for insurers. Severe weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes and droughts are expected to occur with more frequency as the climate warms up, experts say. That presents the risk of greater losses for insurers to […]

Science activism on the rise, with Boston rally the latest iteration – “It would be great to live in a world where evidence speaks for itself”

  By Patrick Reilly20 February 2017 (The Christian Science Monitor) – As temperatures climbed above the 50 degrees F., on Sunday, many Bostonians enjoyed the February weekend outdoors on the city’s bike trails and waterfronts. But for those who gathered in Copley Square downtown, the unseasonable warmth was just the latest evidence of their cause […]

Global warming saps the Colorado River – Flow could fall 55 percent by 2100

By John Fleck19 February 2017 (inkstain) –  A warming climate is already reducing the flow in the Colorado River, and the future risk is large, with a worst case of the river’s flow being cut in half by the end of the century, according to a new study from a pair of the region’s leading […]

New research shows how rapid growth in resource use, land use, emissions, and pollution makes humans the dominant driver of changes in Earth’s natural systems

COLLEGE PARK, Maryland, 9 February 2017 (University of Maryland) – A new scientific paper by a University of Maryland-led international team of distinguished scientists, including five members of the National Academies, argues that there are critical two-way feedbacks missing from current climate models that are used to inform environmental, climate, and economic policies. The most […]

Canada glaciers now major contributor to sea level rise – Nine times more ice is melting annually due to warmer temperatures

Irvine, California, 14 February 2017 (University of California, Irvine) – Ice loss from Canada’s Arctic glaciers has transformed them into a major contributor to sea level change, new research by University of California, Irvine glaciologists has found. From 2005 to 2015, surface melt off ice caps and glaciers of the Queen Elizabeth Islands grew by […]

Global ocean de-oxygenation quantified – “The oxygen losses in the ocean can have far-reaching consequences”

KIEL, 15 February 2017 (Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel) – The ongoing global change causes rising ocean temperatures and changes the ocean circulation. Therefore less oxygen is dissolved in surface waters and less oxygen is transported into the deep sea. This reduction of oceanic oxygen supply has major consequences for the organisms in the […]

Trump’s vow to scrap the Paris climate change accord faces skepticism from corporations and GOP moderates

By Evan Halper15 February 2017 (Los Angeles Times) – Trashing the Paris Agreement made for a great campaign prop at Donald Trump’s rallies, where the climate change accord was portrayed as a product of the out-of-touch, insufferable elites that Trump pledged to sweep from power. Now the landmark agreement, signed under President Obama, is fast […]

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