Disastrous 2016 shows butterflies are “failing to cope with our changing climate and how we manage the environment”

By Ian Johnston Environment11 April 2017 (The Independent) – Butterflies are “failing to cope” with climate change and the pollution of the British countryside, experts have warned after a disastrous year saw population declines in 40 out of 57 species. The UK Butterfly Monitoring Survey found it had been the fourth-worst year overall with six […]

Video: “First protest in space” targets Trump with an astronaut’s famous words

By Ben Guarino 14 April 2017 (The Washington Post) – On Wednesday, 12 April 2017, 56 years to the day after Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space, a Phoenix-based collective called the Autonomous Space Agency Network launched a weather balloon to about 90,000 feet. The balloon, Aphrodite 1, weighed a little […]

In generational shift, college Republicans poised to reform party on global warming

By J.D. Capelouto12 April 2017 LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Davidson College in North Carolina has fewer than 2,000 students – small enough that the presidents of the College Republican and College Democrats clubs count each other as friends. They disagree on some political issues, but an unusual one unites them: they both believe climate […]

The New York Times just hired a climate science denialist as its newest op-ed columnist

By Kate Yoder14 April 2017 (Grist) – The New York Times just hired a climate denier. Related: Have you seen any ads like this in your newsfeed lately? Well, here’s a fact: The Times announced this week that Bret Stephens — a longtime climate science denier and current editorial deputy editor at The Wall Street […]

Atmospheric CO2 levels accelerate upward, smashing records

By Barry Saxifrage 10 April 2017 (National Observer) – The primary driver of global warming, disruptive climate changes and ocean acidification is the ever-increasing amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Despite decades of global efforts towards climate policies, clean energy and efficiency, CO2 levels continue to rise and are actually accelerating upward. For those […]

EPA reportedly eliminates program helping cities deal with global warming

By Arturo Garcia8 April 2017 (Snopes) –  On 7 April 2017, reports appeared that the Environmental Protection Agency will  shut down a program helping cities and states prepare for the effects of climate change. The move was allegedly spurred by a 31 percent cut in the agency’s funding by President Donald Trump’s administration. The program, […]

Two-thirds of Great Barrier Reef hit by back-to-back mass coral bleaching – “I showed the results of aerial surveys of bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef to my students, and then we wept”

10 April 2017 (ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies) – For the second time in just 12 months, scientists have recorded severe coral bleaching across huge tracts of the Great Barrier Reef after completing aerial surveys along its entire length. In 2016, bleaching was most severe in the northern third of the Reef, […]

Scientists highlight Antarctic ice upheaval in response to prehistoric climate change – “The Antarctic ice cap is not some enduring monolithic block but a much more slippery ephemeral beast”

28 March 2017 (University of Southampton) – A team of scientists led by the University of Southampton has found that the Antarctic ice cap underwent dramatic cycles of expansion and melt-back millions of years ago when carbon dioxide levels were similar to those experienced today. The research, led by palaeoclimatologist Dr Diederik Liebrand as part […]

These stunning timelapse photos may just convince you global warming is real

By Chelsea Harvey 3 April 2017 (Washington Post) – Melting glaciers, from Greenland to Antarctica, have become symbols of global warming — and monitoring their retreat is one major way scientists are keeping tabs on the progress of climate change. Now, scientists are trying to bring the issue a little closer to home by using […]

New study finds that carbon pollution influences giant airstreams, causing weather extremes

27 March 2017 (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) – The increase of devastating weather extremes in summer is likely linked to human-made climate change, mounting evidence shows. Giant airstreams are circling the Earth, waving up and down between the Arctic and the tropics. These planetary waves transport heat and moisture. When these planetary waves […]

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