London has warmest April day in nearly 70 years, as enormous heat dome stalls over Europe

By Jason Samenow 19 April 2018 (The Washington Post) – While abnormally cold weather continues to grip the Eastern United States, a full-fledged dose of summer weather has overtaken much of Europe.An enormous heat dome, parked over Germany, has covered a large part of the continent in record or near-record warmth.High temperatures in the 70s […]

Global warming is transforming the Great Barrier Reef – “Coral reefs are already shifting radically in response to unprecedented heatwaves”

19 Apr 2018 (James Cook University) – A new study published online today in Nature shows that corals on the northern Great Barrier Reef experienced a catastrophic die-off following the extended marine heatwave of 2016.“When corals bleach from a heatwave, they can either survive and regain their colour slowly as the temperature drops, or they […]

Climate Feedback: The Australian’s coverage of Great Barrier Reef study creates perception that scientists are divided

19 April 2018 (Climate Feedback) – This article in The Australian covers a new study published in Nature that concludes global warming played a key role in the recent large-scale bleaching and mortality of corals in the Great Barrier Reef. Based on the comments of a single oceanographer (Prof. Kaempf), the article was headlined “Not […]

Mayer Hillman on the climate reality no one else will dare mention – “We’re doomed. There are no means of reversing the process which is melting the polar ice caps. And very few appear to be prepared to say so.”

By Patrick Barkham 26 April 2018 (The Guardian) – “We’re doomed,” says Mayer Hillman with such a beaming smile that it takes a moment for the words to sink in. “The outcome is death, and it’s the end of most life on the planet because we’re so dependent on the burning of fossil fuels. There […]

Relative timing of species interactions has changed substantially in recent decades – “Many species interactions from around the world are in a state of rapid flux”

By Seth Borenstein 16 April 2018 (PhysOrg) – Global warming is screwing up nature’s intricately timed dinner hour, often making hungry critters and those on the menu show up at much different times, a new study shows.Timing is everything in nature. Bees have to be around and flowers have to bloom at the same time […]

Weird wildlife ventures to northern Alaska as Arctic climate warms – “It’s amazing but also a bit concerning. The change is happening so, so fast.”

By Oliver Milman 22 April 2018 Utqiaġvik, Alaska (The Guardian) – Last July, Nagruk Harcharek was savouring a bucolic visit to a cabin that sits on the lip of the Chipp river, deep in the Alaskan Arctic, when something caught his eye. Shimmering on a rack where he hangs his caught whitefish to dry was, […]

Trump administration considers charging for popular Earth-observing data as scientists object – “It would be just a huge setback”

By Gabriel Popkin 24 April 2018 (Nature) – The US government is considering whether to charge for access to two widely used sources of remote-sensing imagery: the Landsat satellites operated by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and an aerial-survey programme run by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).Officials at the Department of the Interior, which oversees […]

Great Barrier Reef saw huge losses from 2016 heatwave – “The study paints a bleak picture of the sheer extent of coral loss on the Great Barrier Reef”

By Quirin Schiermeier 18 April 2018 (Nature) – Extreme heat in 2016 damaged Australia’s Great Barrier Reef much more substantially than initial surveys indicated, according to ongoing studies that have tracked the health of the coral treasure. The heatwave caused massive bleaching of the corals that captured worldwide attention.In a paper published on 18 April […]

Ocean plastic predicted to triple within a decade

By Lauren Said-Moorhouse 21 March 2018 (CNN) – Without intervention soon, the amount of plastic littering the world’s oceans is expected to triple within a decade, a new UK government report warns.The Foresight Future of the Sea report from the UK Government Office for Science said our oceans have seen “unprecedented change as a result […]

Global warming will hit poorer countries first – “Population expansion will place more people in locations where emergent changes to future heat extremes are exceptionally severe”

By Quirin Schiermeier 20 April 2018 (Nature) – Nations such as Bangladesh and Egypt have long known that they will suffer more from climate change than will richer countries, but now researchers have devised a stark way to quantify the inequalities of future threats. A map of “equivalent impacts”, revealed at the annual meeting of […]

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