Mass losses of wildlife feared as oil slick approaches

Birds, marine animals are vulnerable to the oil spill resulting from last week’s explosion Agence France-Presse2010-05-03 12:00 AM Its long, brown neck held firmly in a blue towel, the northern gannet struggled for freedom, unaware of how very lucky it is to have been found swimming in a sea of oil off the Louisiana coast. […]

UK rivers at risk of drying out

With climate change increasingly affecting supplies, and the growing population demanding more water than ever, Britain’s rivers are under serious threat. Our new report highlights the urgent action needed. All the water we use is taken from the natural environment. Many UK rivers are below their usual levels for the time of year – and […]

Surface area of Gulf oil spill has tripled

By CAIN BURDEAU and HOLBROOK MOHR (AP) VENICE, La. — The surface area of a catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil spill quickly tripled in size amid growing fears among experts that the slick could become vastly more devastating than it seemed just two days ago. The newly named federal point man for the oil spill […]

Storms threaten protection efforts as Gulf of Mexico oil spill comes ashore

By The Associated Press April 30, 2010, 11:47AM MOUTH OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER — Oil from the massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico oozed into Louisiana’s ecologically rich wetlands today as storms threatened to frustrate desperate protection efforts. Crews in boats patrolled coastal marshes early today looking for areas where the oil has flowed […]

Deepwater Horizon oil slick to hit US coast within hours

By Chris McGreal in Washington, Terry Macalister and Adam Gabbatt, Thursday 29 April 2010 20.16 BST The United States mobilised its military tonight in an attempt to help deal with the vast oil slick spreading across the Gulf of Mexico amid predictions that it will begin to hit the Louisiana coast within hours and […]

Scientists link ocean acidification to prehistoric mass extinction

BY GWYNETH DICKEY New evidence gleaned by analyzing calcium embedded in Chinese limestone suggests that volcanoes, which spewed massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere for a million years, caused the biggest mass extinction on Earth. In a paper published April 26 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of […]

‘Toxic stew’ of chemicals causing male fish to carry eggs in testes

Intersex fish, found across the US, result from a mix of drugs that mimic natural hormones, say scientists By Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment, Wednesday 21 April 2010 11.05 BST More than 80% of the male bass fish in Washington’s major river are now exhibiting female traits such as egg production because of a “toxic […]

One coral reef dies every other day – Ocean dead zones proliferate

  Posted: 12:13 am PDT April 19, 2010Updated: 12:18 am PDT April 19, 2010 OAKLAND, Calif. — Many of us see planet earth as durable and powerful, but human senses fail to recognize what a surge of new science now confirms: Rapid and serious damage from greenhouse gases, including vast dead zones, now appearing off […]

Greenland culture and climate on the edge

By Fiona Harvey Published: October 30 2009 13:33 | Last updated: October 30 2009 13:33 Disko Bay lay glinting with ice on the bright afternoon we sailed in. Bergs as big as buses floated among others the size of houses. But houses from another world – these were castles and fairy grottoes, crazy monumental statues […]

Israel aims to reverse Sea of Galilee fish decline

Writing by Jeffrey Heller, Editing by Mark TrevelyanSun Apr 18, 2010 8:29am EDT JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel hopes to fill the Sea of Galilee with a great multitude of fishes. Responding to a decline in the number of fish in the Biblical lake — where the Gospels say Jesus miraculously produced huge catches for his […]

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