Video: Baby fish show up in big numbers despite Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Baby fish show up in big numbers despite spill By Ben Raines, Press-Register Sunday, September 26, 2010, 5:00 AM Baby snapper are everywhere. So are baby trout, grouper and grunt. Early results from an annual count of juvenile fish in grass beds scattered around the northern Gulf of Mexico suggest that the larvae of some […]

Hundreds of fish, thousands of shrimp dead in Hood Canal

By Christopher Dunagan, Kitsap SunSeptember 21, 2010 at 10:45 a.m. HOODSPORT — The massive fish kill that many researchers warned about Monday may have begun early this morning, as many hundreds of dead fish and thousands of shrimp washed up on Hood Canal beaches, officials say. “We have hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions all the way […]

BP oil spill: Disaster by numbers

The scale of the BP oil spill can be hard to take in. Now, five months on, these shocking figures reveal the extent of the devastation. Compiled by Alice-Azania Jarvis14 September 2010 11 platform workers were killed when the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on 20 April. Their bodies have never been found, despite a […]

Bluefin tuna, imperiled by overfishing and Gulf oil spill, may get Endangered Species Act protection

  SAN FRANCISCO— The National Marine Fisheries Service today announced it will consider protecting Atlantic bluefin tuna under the Endangered Species Act. The decision is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Sept. 21 and comes in response to a Center for Biological Diversity petition last May to protect the tuna, in dramatic […]

Bottom trawling more damaging to sea floor than all other human activities combined

Washington DC (SPX) Sep 16, 2010 – Scientists have for the first time estimated the physical footprint of human activities on the deep seafloor of the North East Atlantic. The findings published in the journal PLoS ONE reveal that the area disturbed by bottom trawling commercial fishing fleets exceeds the combined physical footprint of other […]

Massive fish kills in bayous hit by BP oil spill

By Bob Warren, The Times-PicayuneMonday, September 13, 2010, 3:42 PM Plaquemines Parish officials have asked state wildlife officials to investigate what they said is a massive fish kill at Bayou Chaland on the west side of the Mississippi River late Friday. Photographs the parish distributed of the area shows an enormous amount of dead fish […]

More than half of penguin species in decline

By Michael Graham RichardThu Sep 9, 2010 16:14 More than 180 scientists and government officials have recently gathered in Boston for the 7th International Penguin Conference. The conclusions of the conference are rather alarming: the scientists warn that 10 of the 18 penguin species are experiencing population decline and that a variety of things are […]

Gulf oil spill threatens extinction of world’s smallest seahorse

The Gulf oil disaster has done still unknowable damage to marine wildlife, with everything from fish to seabirds under threat. But at least one species is threatened with extinction — the dwarf seahorse, a tiny animal less than two inches long which is unique to the Gulf Coast. It lives among the seagrass beds in […]

Officials poisoned Illinois river against advice of scientist

By Dan Egan of the Journal Sentinel Sept. 8, 2010 Chicago — The pioneer of controversial “environmental” DNA tests that indicated Asian carp were getting closer to Lake Michigan testified Tuesday that he warned Illinois and federal officials not to waste $1.5 million poisoning a river just south of Chicago last spring, but he was […]

Eastern North Pacific basking shark a ‘species of concern’ as population fails to recover

ScienceDaily (Sep. 8, 2010) — NOAA’s Fisheries Service has designated the eastern North Pacific basking shark, a “species of concern” because it has suffered a dramatic decline in population despite decreasing fishing pressure. The label “species of concern” may be given to a species when there are concerns regarding the population status. The eastern Pacific […]

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