By Ellyn Schwaiger16 November 2011 Sharks have been active in the clear, jewel-like waters of Western Australia (WA) in recent years. In fact, there have been four shark attack fatalities in the past fourteen months. This highly unusual number spawned a recent review of the region’s shark mitigation strategies by regional officials. In the midst […]
A helicopter pilot speaks out about his experiences onboard a number of purse seine tuna fishing vessels operating in the Pacific. His gruesome footage shows how the use of Fish Aggregation Devices is resulting in the bycatch of all sorts of marine life and contributes to the depletion of tuna stocks. Greenpeace is campaigning for […]
20 November 2011 (Desdemona Despair) – Here’s Desdemona giving a presentation on the accelerating destruction of the oceans by various human activities. It’s basically Graph of the Day with narration. Download the slide deck: State of the Oceans 2011 Technorati Tags: ocean acidification,global warming,climate change,phenology,overfishing,ocean overexploitation,fish decline,mass extinction,extinction,coral,habitat loss,ecosystem disruption,dead zone,ocean anoxia,phosphorus,nitrogen,carbon,carbon dioxide,overpopulation,doom
November 23 (Science Daily) – An analysis in the SEI journal Climate and Development predicts severe negative impacts, including loss and alteration of habitats, smaller and less-diverse fish stocks, and coral bleaching, and urges prompt action to help the Caribbean fisheries prepare. The review, “The implications of global climate change for fisheries management in the […]
Contact: Richard Thomas, +44 1223 279 068 Olga Apostolova, +359 2 950 50 41 November 14 (WWF) – The highly endangered sturgeons of the Danube river basin are at risk because of the persistent illegal trade in their caviar involving Bulgaria and Romania, according to a newly published TRAFFIC report compiled for WWF. The two […]
By Anne Witter2 November 2011 MV Rena remains intact despite water swelling in the Bay of Plenty where it is still wedged in on Astrolabe Reef as bad weather persisted in the area, bringing swells of up to 5m. Officials have feared that the recent bout of bad weather could finally break Rena in half, and […]
From Jiji Tsushin (10/28/2011): フランス政府系の放射線防護原子力安全研究所(IRSN)は27日、東京電力福島第1原発事故後の3月21日から7月半ばまでに海に流出した放射性セシウ ム137の総量は2.71京ベクレル(1京は1兆の1万倍)で、東京電力が6月に発表した推計値の20倍に達すると推定した調査報告書を公表した。 On October 27, the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (L’Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, IRSN) of France announced its research report in which the researchers estimated the total amount of radioactive cesium-137 leaked from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean was 27,100 terabecquerels […]
[Update: Due to public outcry, Australia has backed away from this horribly destructive and short-sighted policy: Australia won’t cull sharks.] October 25 (Newstalk ZB/ONE News) – The Western Australian government has ordered any great white sharks spotted off the south west coast to be killed. The order comes after the third fatal shark attack in […]
By CORNELIA DEAN and RACHEL NUWER, The New York Times17 October 2011 A lethal and highly contagious marine virus has been detected for the first time in wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest, researchers in British Columbia said Monday, stirring concern that it could spread, as it has in Chile, Scotland and elsewhere. Farms hit […]
By David A Gabel, ENN20 October 20 Colombian government officials have reported that as many as 2,000 sharks have been killed in a single incident for their fins. The slaughter occurred in the Malpelo Wildlife Sanctuary, a remote 8,570 square kilometer area of the ocean off Colombia’s Pacific coast. The sharks were found at the […]