Graph of the Day: Dissolved Oxygen Percent of Goal Achieved in Chesapeake Bay, Summer 2007 – Summer 2009

Most of the Chesapeake Bay fails to meet dissolved oxygen goals in the Summer. From 2007 to 2009, only 12 percent of the Chesapeake Bay had sufficient levels of dissolved oxygen in the summer. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) describes the Chesapeake Bay as “highly eutrophic,” meaning that it is highly susceptible to […]

Eutrophication makes toxic cyanobacteria more toxic

Gothenburg, Sweden (SPX) Dec 09, 2010 – Continued eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, combined with an ever thinner ozone layer, is favouring the toxic cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena, reveals research from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. “There are several species of cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, that can form surface blooms in the Baltic Sea,” explains Malin […]

Phosphorus pollution from farms causing Chesapeake Bay dead zones

CONTACT: Contact EWG Public Affairs 202-667-698212-07-2010 WASHINGTON – For more than thirty years, contamination from high-intensity farming has been adding to the pollution that fouls Chesapeake Bay, one of America’s most storied waterways. A new report from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) shows that weakly regulated agricultural practices in the six states of the Chesapeake […]

Scientists alarmed by worldwide spread of ‘black anoxic zones which belch up dead sea life’

James Cook UniversityNovember 30, 2010 Australian marine scientists have expressed disquiet over the continued worldwide spread of large, dead zones in the ocean. Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and Associate Professor Mark McCormick of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies have recently published scientific articles, which raise concern about the impact of large areas […]

Corporate agribusiness and America’s waterways report highlights 8 companies’ role in pollution

  For More Information:Piper Crowell, 202-683-1250John Rumpler, (617) 747-4306Washington, DC 18 November 2010 As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several states consider action on factory farm pollution, Environment America released a report, Corporate Agribusiness and America’s Waterways, examining the role of corporate agribusiness in the pollution of waterways from the Chesapeake Bay to the […]

Microbes may consume far more oil-spill waste than earlier thought

Study near Gulf of Mexico spill site finds surprisingly high methane uptake by microbes Contact: Steve Bradt,, Harvard University 20 October 2010 CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 20, 2010 — Microbes living at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico may consume far more of the gaseous waste from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill than previously […]

Scientists find dead zone in Chandeleur Sound off Louisiana, Mississippi coast

By Chris Kirkham, The Times-Picayune October 12, 2010, 4:21 PM The sprawling band of lifeless ocean water known as the “dead zone” that forms each summer in the Gulf of Mexico has been well-documented for decades, with teams of government and research scientists analyzing the ecological impacts every year. But much less is known about […]

Human activities overloading ecosystems with nitrogen

By Staff WritersWashington DC (SPX) Oct 11, 2010 Humans are overloading ecosystems with nitrogen through the burning of fossil fuels and an increase in nitrogen-producing industrial and agricultural activities, according to a new study. While nitrogen is an element that is essential to life, it is an environmental scourge at high levels. According to the […]

Toxic algae rapidly kills coral

By Ella Davies, Earth News reporter8 October 2010 Coral reefs are increasingly under threat from environmental stress in the form of climate change, coastal development, overfishing, and pollution. Climate change is suspected of causing a number of coral bleaching events, as rising sea temperatures stress coral communities. But the latest study, published in the journal […]

Sir David Attenborough: The Death of the Oceans?

Sir David Attenborough reveals the findings of one of the most ambitious scientific studies of our time – an investigation into what is happening to our oceans. He looks at whether it is too late to save their remarkable biodiversity. Horizon travels from the cold waters of the North Atlantic to the tropical waters of […]

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