Scotland seabird decline is a disturbing trend

Published:  07 January, 2010 IN the last few years, there have been several serious causes for concern as far as wildlife conservations is concerned and perhaps none more so than with seabirds. Around Scotland, including the Highlands, there are many important international colonies of seabirds. These are sometimes in very large numbers such as gannets, […]

Thousands of dead octopuses wash up on Portugal beach

Thousands of dead octopuses have washed up on a beach in northern Portugal, in what is being called an environmental disaster. They cover a 5-mile stretch of Vila Nova de Gaia beach – no reason has yet been found for their appearance. The authorities have warned the public not to eat them. Thousands of dead […]

Half of euro zone countries at risk of sovereign default

In 2010, many nations in the currency bloc will attempt to shore up finances and sustain fitful economic recoveries By TERENCE ROTH After two years of crashing banking systems and economic recession, the euro zone enters 2010 with a full-blown debt crisis. The European Commission warns that public finances in half of the 16 euro-zone […]

‘It's going to get a lot quieter in the Dutch woods’ — Fewer migratory birds due to climate change

ScienceDaily (Dec. 21, 2009) — All insect-eating migratory birds who winter in Africa and breed in the Dutch woods have decreased in numbers since 1984. This has been revealed by research conducted by the University of Groningen, the SOVON Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Radboud University Nijmegen and Alterra, published on 16 […]

200,000 seabirds killed annually by European longlines

  By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor, Friday, 27 November 2009 Concern is growing about the huge number of seabirds being killed by fisheries in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) said yesterday. Although conservationists’ fears have so far focused on seabirds in the Southern Ocean, especially […]

Caspian seal numbers plummet 90%, at edge of genetic viability

By Morgan Erickson-Davis, Caspian Seal populations have declined 90% in the past 100 years, prompting the IUCN to switch their designation from Vulnerable to Endangered. A team from the University of Leeds performed a series of surveys in 2007 and 2008 which revealed that the birth rate has decreased from around 17,000 pups born […]

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