Carbon Disclosure Project: ‘Extreme weather events are causing significant financial damage to markets’

Contact: Lisa Lee, Director of Communications, CDP Headquarters, London +44 (0)7554 430 962 / +44 (0) 20 7415 7196 Catherine von Altheer, Communications Manager, CDP Headquarters, London+44 (0) 7794 003 903 | +44 (0) 20 7970 5682 12 September 2012 London – Following increasing incidents of extreme weather events which disrupted business operations […]

Graph of the Day: Change in Vegetation Cover by Biome across Latin America, 2001-2010

By Rhett A. Butler, www.mongabay.com20 August 2012 Latin America lost nearly 260,000 square kilometers (100,000 square miles) of forest — an area larger than the state of Oregon — between 2001 and 2010, finds a new study [pdf] that is the first to assess both net forest loss and regrowth across the Caribbean, Central and […]

‘Sunshade’ to fight climate change costed at $5 billion a year

[cf. So the leaders of men conceived of their most desperate strategy yet] By Alister Doyle and David Fogarty; editing by Andrew Roche30 August 2012 OSLO/SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Planes or airships could carry sun-dimming materials high into the atmosphere for an affordable price tag of below $5 billion a year as a way to slow […]

World Bank issues hunger warning after droughts in U.S. and Europe

By Larry Elliott, August 2012 The World Bank issued a global hunger warning last night after severe droughts in the US and eastern Europe sent food prices to a record high. Damage to crop harvests from exceptionally dry weather this year raised sharply the Bank’s food price index taking it above its peak in […]

Russia announces enormous finds of radioactive waste and nuclear reactors in Arctic seas

By Charles Digges28 August 2012 Enormous quantities of decommissioned Russian nuclear reactors and radioactive waste were dumped into the Kara Sea in the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia over a course of decades, according to documents given to Norwegian officials by Russian authorities and published in Norwegian media. Bellona had received in 2011 a draft […]

World nuclear electric production peaked in 2006 and is already declining

By Gail the Actuary 27 August 2012 The issue of nuclear electricity is a complex one. In this post, I offer a few insights into the nuclear electric situation based on recent reports and statistical data. Nuclear Electric Production Is Already Declining According to BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy, the highest year of nuclear […]

Balkan drought highlights years of farm neglect – Serbia corn yield halved – Croatia corn ‘rare as gold’

By Daria Sito-Sucic, with additional reporting by Zoran Radosavljevic in Zagreb and Matt Robinson in Belgrade; Editing by Matt Robinson and Pravin Char20 Aug 2012 KALESIJA, Bosnia (Reuters) – As crops wilt and die in the Balkans, farmers struck down by a particularly harsh drought this year are ruing the region’s failure to upgrade irrigation […]

Merkel’s green shift forces Germany to burn more coal

By Stefan Nicola and Tino Andresen20 August 2012 Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government says RWE AG’s new power plant that can supply 3.4 million homes aids her plan to exit nuclear energy and switch to cleaner forms of generation. It’s fired with coal. The startup of the 2,200-megawatt station near Cologne last week shows how Europe’s […]

Deutsche Bank admits complicity in rate-fixing scandal along with Barclays

By Jill Treanor, July 2012 Germany’s biggest bank, Deutsche Bank, prepared the ground for regulatory action in the Libor rigging scandal by admitting that a “limited number” of its staff had been involved. As Swiss bank UBS insisted it was not at the centre of the interest rate debacle, Deutsche said “action had been […]

Catalonia wildfires kill four, Croatia evacuates tourists – Most devastating fires in more than 20 years

By Iciar Reinlein, Nigel Davies, Sarah White, Daniel Alvarenga, and Igor Ilic; Writing by Alison Williams; Editing by Andrew Osborn23 July 2012 MADRID (Reuters) – Two big forest fires raging in the border area between France and northern Catalonia in Spain have killed a fourth person, the authorities said on Monday, as erratic winds hindered […]

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