Another youth climate lawsuit turns to crowdfunding in Portugal

By Bobby Magill 27 September 2017 (Climate Liability News) – After more than 60 people died in wildfires that scorched central Portugal this summer, a London nonprofit group plans to file suit against 47 European countries on behalf of six children affected by the fires. The lawsuit aims to force the countries to cut their […]

Join global treaty to root out the scourge of illegal fishing, urges UN food security agency

6 October 2017 (United Nations) – Calling for strengthening the fight against illegal fishing, the United Nations food security agency has urged all countries to join a landmark global treaty that aims to rid the world of the multibillion-dollar scourge.The Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA) – approved by the Conference of the Food and Agricultural […]

How global warming is making hunger worse around the world

By Eillie Anzilotti 4 October 2017 (Fast Company) – Since 2012, the Economist Intelligence Unit, the research arm of the Economist group, has compiled a yearly assessment of the ability of 113 countries to feed their populations. This year, the Global Food Security Index recorded a slip in food security for the first time after […]

Dutch regulator warns banks and insurers to factor in climate change

By Alessandro Speciale and Eric Roston ‎5‎ ‎October‎ ‎2017‎ (Bloomberg) – Banks, insurers, and other financial institutions must do more to take into account the risks posed by climate change to their business, a Dutch Central Bank study said. As global warming increases the risk of extreme weather events, regulators are giving more attention to […]

Girl writes poignant letter to Trump, explaining that global warming is real

By Casey Suglia 23 September 2017 (Romper) – The Earth is warming up and the weather is changing. Say what you will, but this year has shown that global warming and climate change can’t be stopped if world leaders and citizens keep ignoring it. It’s frustrating to know that people — especially those with power […]

Global warming: the risk of frost worsens at altitude – “The risk of frost exposure has increased at the vast majority of stations located at elevations higher than 800 meters”

28 September 2017 (Université de Neuchâtel) – [Translation by Google.] Trees growing above 800 m are increasingly exposed to spring frost, the Neuchâtel University, the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL and SLF), and Agroscope Conthey reveal in a joint study a paradoxical consequence of global warming, which increases the vulnerability […]

Macron trumps Trump with “Make Climate Great Again” campaign

By Laurence Coustal 29 September 2017 (AFP News) – French President Emmanuel Macron’s 30-million-euro “Make Climate Great Again” campaign has narrowed a list of candidate scientists from abroad from thousands to 90, nearly half from the US, a French official said Friday.Macron made the offer to fund and host foreign climate experts in early June […]

Nitrogen cycle in coastal waters: Hamburg Harbor becomes a nitrate hotspot

By Tim Schröder 3 August 2017(Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht) – Nitrogen compounds are an important factor in the production of algal biomass. The team led by biologist Kirstin Dähnke from the Institute of Coastal Research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht has been carrying out extensive Elbe nitrogen measurements for this reason.These measurements have shown that regions upstream from […]

First tanker crosses Arctic sea route without ice breaker

By Matt McGrath 24 August 2017 (BBC News) – A commercial LNG tanker has sailed across the colder, northern route from Europe to Asia without the protection of an ice-breaker for the first time.The specially-built ship completed the crossing in just six-and-a-half days setting a new record, according to the tanker’s Russian owners.The 300-metre-long Sovcomflot […]

Super-heatwaves of 55°C to emerge if global warming continues – “Humid-heat waves with these conditions were never exceeded in the present climate, but are expected to occur every other year at 4°C global warming”

8 August 2017 (JRC) – Heatwaves amplified by high humidity can reach above 40°C and may occur as often as every two years, leading to serious risks for human health. If global temperatures rise with 4°C, a new super heatwave of 55°C can hit regularly many parts of the world, including Europe.A recently published study […]

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