In ‘unprecedented decision’, UN boosts food and cash assistance as El Niño’s grip on Zimbabwe tightens

HARARE, 16 March 2016 (WFP) – Vulnerable people in Zimbabwe will continue to receive relief assistance from the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) through what is usually a period of bounty but which this year has turned into a time of want. WFP is extending its relief programme due to the punishing impact of […]

Storms replenish key reservoirs amid California drought, but others still below capacity – ‘We still don’t have water in all the right places to meet demand going into peak season’

By Janie Har14 March 2016 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Four straight days of rain have replenished several key reservoirs in drought-stricken California, but the El Nino-related storms also led to the death of a highway patrol officer who was struck while directing traffic on a snowy Sierra Nevada freeway. The series of storms that started […]

For one South African house cleaner, the big drought of 2016 means crying, hungry children

By Bobby Bascomb12 March 2016 (PRI) – In my little garden here in Pretoria, sprinklers automatically go off every morning at 8. They’re doing a good job. My cucumbers have outgrown their trellis, I can’t keep up with all the spinach, and, as usual, mint and morning glories are trying to take over. Without the […]

Climate change in Mongolia destroying pastures which nomadic herders need to survive – ‘Millions of animals are likely to die from starvation in the coming weeks and months’

By Joanna Chiu10 March 2016 ULZIIT, Mongolia (Irin) – Daashka and his brother tear across the Mongolian steppe on a motorbike in a desperate search for somewhere to graze their herds. Pastureland is dwindling rapidly as the country is beset by a cycle of drought and harsh winter that is killing off livestock in droves. […]

Hunger intensifies in areas suffering from drought, flooding, and conflict – UN report

9 March 2016 (UN) – Thirty-four countries, including 27 in Africa, are currently in need of external assistance for food due to drought, flooding and civil conflicts, according to a new United Nations report released today. The figure has grown from 33 last December, after the addition of Swaziland, says the Food and Agriculture Organization […]

Ethiopian farmers need urgent assistance to feed country caught in major drought – Humanitarian needs triple during record El Niño

7 March 2016 (UN) – The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today announced that timely agricultural assistance for the upcoming rainy season is essential to help the drought-affected people of Ethiopia, as one of the strongest El Niño events on record continues to have devastating effects on the lives and livelihoods of farmers […]

The mercury doesn’t lie: We’ve hit a troubling climate change milestone

By Bill McKibben  5 March 2016 (Boston Globe) – Thursday, while the nation debated the relative size of Republican genitalia, something truly awful happened. Across the northern hemisphere, the temperature, if only for a few hours, apparently crossed a line: it was more than two degrees Celsius above “normal” for the first time in recorded […]

California awash in water for first time in a long while

By Olga R. Rodriguez5 February 2016 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – The first West Coast waves of a week of powerful storms arrived to provide strong evidence March will not be as parched as the month that preceded it. Steady rain fell in Northern California on Saturday and was expected to go statewide Sunday. Fresh and […]

Drought-hit California county still relying on water tanks, despite rainfall

By Emmanuel Martinez 29 February 2016 (Reveal) – Reveal reported in early January about the water tank program in Tulare County, California. What began as an emergency response measure to the drought was becoming the norm for hundreds of families who no longer had running water. At the crisis’ peak, Tulare County reported about 1,400 […]

Syria drought likely its most severe in more than 900 years – ‘The eastern Mediterranean will be a hot spot of aridification due to rising greenhouse gases, and this change is already underway’

By Stacy Morford1 March 2016 (Earth Institute) – In the years before the Syrian conflict erupted, the region’s worst drought on record set in across the Levant, destroying crops and restricting water supplies in the already water-stressed region. A new study shows that that drought, from 1998-2012, wasn’t just the most severe in a century […]

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