River Thames source dries up

April 27 (SWNS) — The source of the River Thames has dried up after the UK experienced the lowest recorded rainfall in March since 1929. The Thames head spring in Trewsbury Mead near Cirencester, Glos., has stopped flowing after the driest March in more than 80 years. It was fed from deep underground and joins […]

The belated battle to revive the dying Dead Sea

Forty years of wandering from bad decisions to neglect have done terrible damage to the lowest place on earth By Shuki Sadeh 28 April 2011 Short-term thinking. Unthinking optimism – “everything will work out.” Putting off hard decisions, selling national assets for peanuts, and first and foremost, of course, a lack of governance. These are […]

U.S. releases report highlighting impacts of climate change to Western water resources

Contact: Kendra Barkoff (DOI) (202) 208-6416Dan DuBray (Reclamation) (202) 513-057425 April 2011 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today released a report that assesses climate change risks and how these risks could impact water operations, hydropower, flood control, and fish and wildlife in the western United States. The report to Congress, prepared […]

2011 sets U.S. record for most acreage burned in April

By Jeff Masters26 April 2011 According to the Interagency Fire Center, wildfires in 2011 have already burned nearly 2.3 million acres in the U.S. This is the greatest acreage on record so early in the year, and is more area than burned all of last year. The largest U.S. acreage to burn since 1960 was […]

In Texas, questions of drought and climate change

By KATE GALBRAITH22 April 2011 The severe drought across Texas has hit the oil and gas city of Midland especially hard, as I reported in Friday’s New York Times and Texas Tribune. Since Oct. 1, Midland has received only 0.13 inches of rainfall — making it “most likely the driest six-and-a-half-month period in recorded history,” […]

Iraq has doubled its electricity capacity, but still far short of demand

By Jim Michaels, USA TODAY Iraq has doubled its electricity capacity over prewar levels, making dramatic headway in a critical benchmark that had plagued U.S. leaders and frustrated Iraqis since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. Iraq’s supply of electricity is 7,900 megawatts, about double the levels before the war, according to the U.S. Embassy in […]

Swiss face one of worst droughts on record

Geneva (AFP) April 20, 2011 – Swiss officials began moving trout from a river this week to save them from plunging water levels, amid one of the worst droughts to hit the country in 150 years. “2011 is off to a good start to finish as one of the most significant droughts since 1864,” the […]

Graph of the Day: Texas Heat Wave Measured from Orbit, April 2011

Caption by Holli Riebeek22 April 2011 So far in 2011, more than 1.4 million acres have burned in Texas. Some 800 fires have occurred throughout the state, burning 401 structures and costing two firefighters their lives. Why is fire activity so extreme in Texas this year? This image, made with data collected by the Moderate […]

Ozone hole has dried Australia, scientists find

By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News21 April 2011 The Antarctic ozone hole is about one-third to blame for Australia’s recent series of droughts, scientists say. Writing in the journal Science, they conclude that the hole has shifted wind and rainfall patterns right across the Southern Hemisphere, even the tropics. Their climate models suggest the […]

Somalia: ‘Worst drought in a lifetime’

NAIROBI, 20 April 2011 (IRIN) – Officials and aid workers in Somalia’s Middle Shabelle region have raised the alarm over the plight of drought-stricken villagers urgently needing food and water. “We are experiencing the worst drought we have seen in decades; since the beginning of March, we have buried 54 people who died from the […]

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