The Science Girl takes a comedic look at the differences between climate and weather. Created for the live broadcast of 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report. Climate Reality Technorati Tags: global warming,climate change,oil production,coal,alternative energy,wildfire,flood,heat wave,drought
Media Inquiries: 202.473.7660, media@worldbank.org18 November 2012 (World Bank) – Like summer’s satellite image of the melting Greenland ice sheet, a new report suggests time may be running out to temper the rising risks of climate change. Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4°C Warmer World Must be Avoided, [pdf, eBook] warns we’re on track for […]
DES MOINES, Iowa, 19 November 2012 (CBS/AP) – Scientists are saying that due to climate change caused by greenhouse gases, Iowans should brace themselves for more bad weather like the 2012 drought. More than 130 scientists from Iowa colleges and universities said in a statement on Monday that this year’s drought is consistent with a […]
This graph shows how the average amount of water received into Perth dams has dropped dramatically in recent times. In order to provide an accurate comparison Stirling, Wokalup, and Samson Brook Dams are not included in this data, as these Dams only came online in 2001. Inflow is therefore simulated based on Perth dams pre […]
By Larry O’Hanlon 15 November 2012 (Discovery News) – A large majority of Americans now say global warming should be a priority for the president and Congress, according to a new report by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication. The report is based on a national survey conducted in early September – well before […]
8 November 2012 (FAO) – This season’s world cereal supply and demand balance is proving much tighter than in 2011/12 with global production falling short of the projected demand and cereal stocks declining sharply. However, the tightening is not uniform across all cereals. While this season’s maize and wheat supplies are compromised by disappointing harvests, […]
By Deborah Zabarenko9 November 2012 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – For a clue to the possible impact of climate change on modern society, a study suggests a look back at the end of classic Mayan civilization, which disintegrated into famine, war and collapse as a long-term wet weather pattern shifted to drought. An international team of researchers […]
By Carey Gillam15 November 2012 (Reuters) – A storm system that brought cold, wet weather to much of the United States last week helped ease drought in many states, but some areas that were most in need of moisture were missed, according to a climatology report issued on Thursday. The High Plains, which includes key […]
The Perth water supply area is 3,266 km2 and lies within the Perth Basin, occupying part of the Swan Coastal Plain and Dandaragan Plateau. Bounded in the north by the northern boundary of the Gnangara GMA, and in the south by the southern boundary of the Serpentine and Rockingham GMUs, the water supply area encompasses […]
By Christiane Amanpour, Mary-Rose Abraham, David Miller, and Mark Monroy 31 October 2012 A rising death toll, the catastrophic flooding and destruction of entire neighborhoods, and billions of dollars in property damage. The impact of Hurricane Sandy, which hit the East Coast earlier this week, will be felt for years, both in the United States […]