Investors embrace climate change, chase hotter profits – ‘The climate is changing. Sea level is rising. That’s quite obvious. Cities close to the waterline continue to grow and need more protection. It’s almost a natural growth market.’

By Matthew Campbell and Chris V. Nicholson 7 March 2013 (Bloomberg) – Investing in climate change used to mean financing the fight against global warming. Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and other firms took stakes in wind farms and tidal-energy projects, and set up carbon-trading desks. Then, as efforts to curb greenhouse-gas emissions faltered, […]

Australia’s summer is hottest on record – Average temperature breaks previous summer temperature record, set in summer 1997/1998

By Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer1 March 2013 (LiveScience) – Australia’s summer of 2013 is the hottest on record so far, the country’s Bureau of Meteorology announced today (March 1). The country’s average temperature this summer has been 83.5 degrees Fahrenheit (28.6 degrees Celsius), 2 degrees F (1 degree C) above normal. That breaks the […]

How a drought in China may have helped spark the Arab Spring – ‘We will have more droughts, more floods, and they will be more severe’

By Raveena Aulakh Environment Reporter5 March 2013 (Toronto Star) – Drought in eastern China. A shortage of wheat. An uprising in Egypt. On the face of it, the three don’t seem related. But two years after revolutions swept through the Arab world, a new study argues that climate change played a significant role in the […]

Infographic: How climate change is destroying Earth

14 February 2013 (LearnStuff) – Thanks to extensive research and noticeable changes in weather and storm prevalence, it’s getting harder to turn a blind eye to the reality of climate change. Since the Industrial Age spurred the increasing usage of fossil fuels for energy production, the weather has been warming. In fact, since 1880, the […]

The Angry Summer: Government report blames climate change for weather extremes in Australia

By MATT SIEGEL4 March 2013 SYDNEY, Australia (The New York Times) – Climate change was a major driving force behind a string of extreme weather events that alternately scorched and soaked large sections of Australia in recent months, according to a report [pdf] issued Monday by the government’s Climate Commission. A four-month heat wave during […]

UK must adapt for weather extremes, says Environment Agency – ‘The extremes of weather that we saw last year highlight the urgent need to plan for a changing climate’

By Roger Harrabin, Environment analyst3 March 2013 (BBC) – Britain must become more resilient to both drought and flooding, Environment Agency chairman Chris Smith has said. New figures from the agency show that one in every five days saw flooding in 2012, but one in four days saw drought. Rivers such as the Tyne, Ouse, […]

Graph of the Day: Trends in forest canopy green cover over the eastern United States, 2000-2010

Contact: Ruth Dasso Marlaire,, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California,650-604-470925 February 2013 NASA scientists report that warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation locally and regionally have altered the growth of large forest areas in the eastern United States over the past 10 years. Using NASA’s Terra satellite, scientists examined the relationship between natural plant […]

Hobbiton set to shrivel in Waikato drought

By Matt Bowen26 February 2013 (Fairfax NZ News) – Bilbo Baggins’ lush green shire could have the life sucked out of it after Waikato’s undeclared drought restricted Hobbiton’s water supply. It’s the region’s driest summer in five years and, with no rain in sight, Matamata’s best known tourist attraction may become three hectares of parched […]

Global warming and airflow changes ‘caused U.S. and E.U. heatwaves’ – ‘During several recent extreme weather events these planetary waves almost freeze in their tracks for weeks’

By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent; Editing by Andrew Heavens 26 February 2013 OSLO (Reuters) – Global warming may have caused extreme events such as a 2011 drought in the United States and a 2003 heatwave in Europe by slowing vast, wave-like weather flows in the northern hemisphere, scientists said on Tuesday. The study of meandering […]

Climate change lowering Great Lakes levels, retired Army Corps expert tells Bay City crowd – ‘The last time the water was this low for this long was the Dust Bowl’

By Justin Engel 22 February 2013 BAY CITY, MICHIGAN (The Bay City Times) – Climate change is real, a retired U.S. Army Corps of Engineers expert says: And it’s causing parts of the Great Lakes water levels to descend. Roger Gauthier, a retired hydrologist with the Corps, closed out the Saginaw Bay Watershed Initiative Network/Saginaw […]

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