“Last-chance tourism” hastens decline of destinations threatened by global warming, like the Florida Reef and the Galapagos Islands

By Aditi Shrikant 18 March 2019 (Vox) – Plopped in the Florida Reef is a 4,000-pound bronze Jesus named Christ of the Abyss. The statue is one of the most photographed sites in the Florida Keys, and at Lobster Trap Art you can buy his portrait printed on ceramic tiles for $24. Like many of […]

As the world burns, the rich cruise in luxury through a melting Arctic

By Chris D’Angelo 20 August 2016 (Huffington Post) – As global temperatures soar, wildfires rage and sea ice levels dwindle to record lows, a luxury cruise company has found a way to make a pretty penny off our rapidly changing climate. The Crystal Serenity set off from Seward, Alaska, Tuesday, on a 32-day voyage through the […]

Japan’s tsunami debris attracts travelers in new yacht cruise

December 16 (Maritime Executive) – At the end of October, the STS Pallada discovered a 20-million-ton mass of tsunami debris from the mega 9.0 magnitude earthquake off Sendai, Japan in March.  Since this discovery, scientists have been studying, and tracking the contents of the giant floating mass, and now, they are inviting the public on […]

Doomsday shelter currently selling bunker space

April 12, 2010 by Lisa Zyga (PhysOrg.com) — California-based company Vivos is providing you and about 4,000 other people the chance to survive the end of the world. The company plans to build a network of 20 shelters near most major cities of the US. Each 20,000-square-foot shelter, which can hold up to 200 people, […]

Endangered sites see boom in 'tourism of doom'

Tracking endangered wildlife in politically troubled, impoverished Zimbabwe might not seem the ideal holiday spot but it’s in hot demand in the travel industry’s latest niche market — "tourism of doom". The term was coined by sector specialists for the growing number of travelers flocking to far-flung corners of the planet to see endangered natural […]

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