Global ocean de-oxygenation quantified – “The oxygen losses in the ocean can have far-reaching consequences”

KIEL, 15 February 2017 (Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel) – The ongoing global change causes rising ocean temperatures and changes the ocean circulation. Therefore less oxygen is dissolved in surface waters and less oxygen is transported into the deep sea. This reduction of oceanic oxygen supply has major consequences for the organisms in the […]

Depleted fish stocks and huge dead zone signal tipping point in the Bay of Bengal

By Amitav Ghosh and Aaron Savio Lobo31 January 2017 (The Guardian) – The Bay of Bengal’s basin contains some of the most populous regions of the earth. No less than a quarter of the world’s population is concentrated in the eight countries that border the bay1. Approximately 200 million people live along the Bay of […]

The blob that cooked the Pacific Ocean

By Craig Welch10 August 2016 (National Geographic) – The first fin whale appeared in Marmot Bay, where the sea curls a crooked finger around Alaska’s Kodiak Island. A biologist spied the calf drifting on its side, as if at play. Seawater flushed in and out of its open jaws. Spray washed over its slack pink […]

Tons of dead sardines wash ashore on Jeddah beach

By Amr Salam16 September 2016 JEDDAH (Saudi Gazette) – A large number of dead sardines have washed ashore the Corniche here because of sewage water thrown in the sea, according to marine experts. Several Corniche visitors expressed great concerns over the dead sardines and even captured videos and took photographs and posted them on the […]

More than one million salt water fish found dead in fresh water creeks in New Jersey

24 August 2016 (The Big Wobble) – The borough has been cleaning up dead fish for three days in a fish kill that is now estimated to be in the millions of fish. What is strange, very strange is, the peanut bunker fish are salt water fish and Waackaack Creek is fresh water? Mayor George […]

Study maps hidden water pollution in U.S. coastal areas

8 August 2016 (NASA) – Coastal waters and near-shore groundwater supplies along more than a fifth of coastlines in the contiguous United States are vulnerable to contamination from previously hidden underground transfers of water between the oceans and land, finds a new study by researchers at The Ohio State University, Columbus, and NASA’s Jet Propulsion […]

Ocean slime spreading quickly across the Earth – ‘Here the change is just massive – this one species is just taking over.’

By Craig Welch19 August 2016 (National Geographic) – When sea lions suffered seizures and birds and porpoises started dying on the California coast last year, scientists weren’t entirely surprised. Toxic algae is known to harm marine mammals. But when researchers found enormous amounts of toxin in a pelican that had been slurping anchovies, they decided […]

NOAA scientists report mass die-off of invertebrates at East Flower Garden Bank in Gulf of Mexico

1 August 2016 (Science Blog) – On Monday, sport divers on the M/V Fling, diving in the Gulf of Mexico 100 miles offshore of Texas and Louisiana, were stunned to find green, hazy water, huge patches of ugly white mats coating corals and sponges, and dead animals littering the bottom on the East Flower Garden […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of algae bloom in Hood Canal, Washington

27 July 2016 (NASA) – On 24 July 2016, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite acquired a natural-color image (top) of a phytoplankton bloom in Hood Canal—a fjord in Washington’s Puget Sound. The second image shows a more detailed view of the bloom on July 27 as observed by the Operational […]

Climate change could alter the chemistry of deepwater lakes and harm ecosystems

By Alexander L. Forrest13 June 2016 (The Conversation) – In an age of rapid global population growth, demand for safe, clean water is constantly increasing. In 2010 the United States alone used 355 billion gallons of water per day. Most of the available fresh water on Earth’s surface is found in lakes, streams and reservoirs, […]

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