Adelaide breaks its all-time heat record, hitting 46.6C, in extreme Australia heatwave – 2,500 camels dying of thirst shot

By Naaman Zhou24 January 2019 (The Guardian) – Temperature records have tumbled across South Australia, with the city of Adelaide experiencing its hottest day on record, as the second heatwave in as many weeks hit southern parts of Australia Adelaide hit 46.6C on Thursday afternoon, the hottest temperature recording in any Australian state capital city […]

Massive fish kill in Australia – Up to a million fish in Murray-Darling Basin have perished in algae bloom – “It’s a devastating ecological event”

By Matt Coughlan 14 January 2019 (AAP) – More fish are likely to die in NSW as state and federal water managers prepare for an emergency meeting to canvass options to mitigate the ecological disaster. Water Minister David Littleproud described the situation as horrible, joining his state counterpart Niall Blair in warning of more devastation […]

Worst mass extinction event in Earth’s history was caused by global warming analogous to current climate crisis

By Mike Gaworecki3 January 2019 (Mongabay) – New research by scientists at the United States’ University of Washington and Stanford University suggests that the most destructive mass extinction event in Earth’s ancient history was caused by global warming that left marine life unable to breathe. The Permian period, the last period of the Paleozoic Era, […]

Red tide suspected for recent spike in dead Florida dolphins – 37 dead dolphins have washed ashore in the last week

By Michael Mora and Gina Tomlinson 27 November 2018 BONITA BEACH, Florida (WINK News) – Steve Abbott and Jim Farrior hoped to interact with some of the dolphins when they set out to kayak near Bonita Beach. “We rode side by side with one for a mile a couple years ago,” Abbott said, who lives […]

Hurricane Michael failed to end Florida’s red tide – “The factors that contributed to red tide outweighed the ones that would reduce it”

By Jennifer Kay 15 October 2018 MIAMI BEACH, Florida (Associated Press) – Hurricane Michael failed to break up a patchy and toxic algae bloom that has lingered in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida’s shoreline for the last year, experts said Monday, meaning the red tide outbreak could continue to cause problems in the weeks […]

Scientists urge immediate, decisive action to tackle deoxygenation in world’s oceans – “The ocean is in a global crisis”

KIEL, 7 September 2018 (UNESCO) – This week, more than 300 scientists from 33 countries met in Kiel, Germany, at an international conference to discuss the decline of oxygen in the ocean, the causes and the consequences. At the conclusion of the conference, the scientists published a haunting appeal, the “Kiel Declaration”, in which they […]

How global warming is making “red tide” algal blooms even worse

By Angela Fritz 15 August 2018 (The Washington Post) – Red tide is killing Florida’s southwest coast. Fish, manatees, sea turtles — some of them endangered — and nine dolphins have washed up dead on the beaches, and all of them are confirmed or suspected to have been poisoned by the algal bloom. The body […]

Florida’s red tide crisis shows how global warming will make the world an ugly place

By Ephrat Livni 22 August 2018 SARASOTA, Florida (Quartz) – All the water birds—pelicans, egrets, cormorants—are gone.Flies swarm the coast of the seaside city of Sarasota, Florida. Crows caw. The air stinks of death. Carpets of fish, belly-up, mouths gaping, line the shore. This is the putrid new world created by a toxic red algae […]

“Devastating” dolphin loss in Florida red tide disaster – More than 100 tons of dead sea creatures have been shoveled up from smelly, deserted beaches

16 August 2018 (AFP) – A state of emergency has been declared in Florida as the worst red tide in a decade blackens the ocean water, killing dolphins, sea turtles and fish at a relentless pace. More than 100 tons of dead sea creatures have been shoveled up from smelly, deserted beaches in tourist areas […]

Florida Gov. Rick Scott declares state of emergency amid red tide crisis, calls it a “naturally-occurring phenomenon”

By Alexa Lardieri 14 August 2018 (U.S. News & World Report) – Florida Gov. Rick Scott declared a state of emergency for several counties suffering from the impacts of a prolonged red tide. According to the governor’s declaration , red tide is a naturally occuring algae that appears almost every year on Florida‘s Gulf Coast. […]

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