Thousands flee Bangkok fearing surging floods – One airport shuts down

BANGKOK (AP) – Bangkok residents jammed bus stations and highways on Wednesday to flee the flood-threatened Thai capital, while others built cement walls to protect their shops or homes from advancing waters surging from the country’s flooded north. “The amount of water is gigantic,” Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said. “Some water must spread into Bangkok […]

Climate change poses immediate threat to health: experts

London, October 17 (AFP) – Climate change poses an immediate and serious threat to global health and stability, as floods and droughts destroy people’s homes and food supplies and increase mass migration, experts warned Monday. In a statement issued at a meeting in London, they urged tougher action to reduce climate change including upping the […]

Millions will be trapped amid climate change, study warns

By HILLARY ROSNER20 October 2011 Millions of people are expected to become trapped in places that are extremely vulnerable to environmental change in the course of this century, according to a British government study released on Thursday. Prepared by the Foresight group, a think tank that advises the government on planning for the future, the […]

Flooding fears loom large for Bangkok residents – ‘The water is coming, it’s inevitable’

Associated Press writers Vee Intarakratug, Thanyarat Doksone, and Grant Peck contributed to this report20 October 2011 (AP) BANGKOK – The threat has loomed large over this giant metropolis for weeks: Floodwaters could rapidly swamp glitzy downtown Bangkok, ruining treasured ancient palaces and chic boutiques on skyscraper-lined avenues in the heart of the Thai economy. The […]

As danger laps at its shores, Tuvalu pleads for action on climate change

By AMELIA HOLOWATY KRALES18 October 2011 Tuvalu, a tiny archipelago of nine South Pacific islands threatened by rising seas, is on the front lines of the planet’s climate change debate. Current projections indicate that it will become unlivable within 50 years, resulting in an exodus and the erasure of a rich 3,000-year-old culture. In global […]

Thai PM admits government overwhelmed by floods – Bangkok residents finally told to prepare

BANGKOK, October 19 (AP) – Thailand’s new premier acknowledged Wednesday that the country’s flood crisis has overwhelmed her government, pleading for mercy from the media and solidarity from the country in battling the relentless waters. Speaking to reporters Wednesday, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said her administration is doing all it can and trying to be […]

Five million Pakistanis struggling in flooded Sindh province – ‘Ominous silence’ from international donors called ‘pathetic’

By Orla Guerin17 October 2011 Sindh (BBC News) – Muhammad Hanif rarely let his youngest son Abid out of his sight. The poor farmer was devoted to the lively three-year-old: “I was always picking him up and playing with him. He was the baby of the family. I couldn’t be without him for five minutes,” […]

South Pacific drought crisis deepens: Tokelau to run dry within days, crops failing on Tuvalu

October 05 (AFP) – A SECOND South Pacific community has called a state of emergency as water rationing continues in parts of the area. Tokelau, a New Zealand-administered territory of about 1400 people, has less than a week’s drinking water after a long drought blamed on a La Niña weather pattern, Foreign Minister Murray McCully […]

Bangkok races to thwart approaching floods

BANGKOK (AP) – The Thai capital needs 1.2 million sandbags to construct a 3.7-mile wall within 48 hours to keep encroaching floods from swamping into the city, Bangkok’s governor said Monday night. “Every second counts,” said Sukhumbhand Paribatra, whose call for city residents not to let down their guard posed a contrast to government statements […]

Record Mekong flooding threatens Bangkok, Phnom Penh

October 11 (VOA News) – United Nations officials say the capitals of Thailand and Cambodia are at risk as the worst flooding in modern times sweeps through the Mekong Basin. Kirsten Mildren, spokeswoman for the U.N.’s humanitarian affairs agency, told VOA Tuesday that officials in Bangkok are taking urgent measures as the floodwaters bear down […]

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