Winter brings more misery to millions of Pakistan flood victims

[It’s amazing that for all the bloviating on Pakistan during the parade of belligerent ignorance at this week’s Republican national security “debate”,  the catastrophic flooding of 2010 and 2011 wasn’t mentioned once.] ISLAMABAD – More than two months after the August floods hit the southern Pakistan, millions of affected people are still at great risk […]

Aid running out for Pakistan flood victims

ISLAMABAD – International aid agencies warn they are running short of money and supplies to help millions of people affected by floods in Pakistan. The statement was issued on Wednesday by the United Nations and several other aid groups, including Oxfam, Save the Children, Care and ACTED. The U.N. says it has only raised $96.5 […]

USGS expert explains how global warming likely contributes to East Africa’s brutal drought

By Joe Romm  19 October 2011 Somalia’s “mis-government” has turned a brutal drought into a horrific famine. But “if it weren’t in drought, it wouldn’t be in famine,” as Dr. Chris Funk, one of the world’s foremost authorities on East African drought explained to me in an exclusive interview today. And Funk’s work provides strong […]

Stocks running out in Pakistan’s flood-hit areas as winter closes in

Editor: Wang Guanqun,  29 October 2011 ISLAMABAD, October 29 (Xinhua) – The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Saturday that needs of flood-hit Pakistani people are rising as winter approaches and reported outbreaks of waterborne diseases. Heavy monsoon rains in August caused floods in southern Sindh province and affected […]

Heavy flooding gushes into Bangkok’s riverfront – Tens of thousands flee city

October 28 (AP)  BANGKOK – The main river coursing through Thailand’s capital swelled to record highs Friday, briefly flooding riverside buildings and an ornate royal complex at high tide amid fears that flood defenses could break and swamp the heart of the city. Ankle-high water from the Chao Phraya river spilled through one sandbagged entranceway […]

Image of the Day: Satellite View of the Flooded Thai City of Ayutthaya

Caption by Michon Scott with information from Kenneth Duda, U.S. Geological Survey27 October 2011 The Chao Phraya River forms at the confluence of smaller rivers in central Thailand, and flows southward to the Gulf of Thailand. En route to the sea, the river passes through Ayutthaya. First established in the fourteenth century, Ayutthaya lies north […]

Graph of the Day: Maplecroft Climate Change Vulnerability Index 2012

The Climate Change Vulnerability Index features subnational maps and analysis of climate change vulnerability and the adaptive capacity to combat climate change in 193 countries. It features an improved methodology analysing the exposure of populations to climate related natural hazards and sensitivity of countries in terms of population concentration, development, natural resources, agricultural dependency and […]

Somali fighting and rain ‘worsen drought crisis’

By Will Ross BBC East Africa correspondent26 October 2011 A combination of a military build-up in Somalia and heavy rains are making the humanitarian relief effort in the country even harder, the UN has warned. Some four million people in Somalia need food and other assistance because of the drought and famine. Eleven days ago, […]

Thai government says ‘flooding is beyond our control now’ – ‘The amount of water is gigantic’ says PM

By Anuchit Nguyen and Supunnabul Suwannakij27 October 2011 Thailand’s government said it is losing the battle to protect Bangkok from rising floodwaters, and plans to open evacuation centers in eight provinces as the deluge forces more residents to give up their homes. “The flooding is beyond our control now,” said Pracha Promnog, who heads the […]

Maplecroft: World’s fastest growing populations increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change

October 26 (Maplecroft) – The fourth release of Maplecroft’s Climate Change and Environment Risk Atlas includes a new Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) that analyses and maps climate change vulnerability down to 25km² worldwide. It reveals that some of the world’s fastest growing populations are increasingly at risk from the impacts of climate related natural […]

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