Sea surface temperatures around Australia have increased by about 0.4°C in the past 50 years. State of the Climate [pdf] Technorati Tags: Australia,global warming,climate change,ocean,coral
March 16, 2010 – 6:21AM (AAP) — Floods from Queensland have entered northern NSW, cutting off roads and isolating farms and small communities. Following torrential rain that deluged southern parts of Queensland in late February and early March, the State Emergency Service (SES) is warning residents in the Weilmoringle and Goodooga communities, in Brewarrina Shire, […]
Songbirds on the US east coast are becoming smaller, a trend thought to be driven by climate changes. By Matt WalkerEditor, Earth News Songbirds in the US are getting smaller, and climate change is suspected as the cause. A study of almost half a million birds, belonging to over 100 species, shows that many are […]
ScienceDaily (Mar. 12, 2010) — The increased frequency and intensity of oxygen-deprived “dead zones” along the world’s coasts can negatively impact environmental conditions in far more than just local waters. In the March 12 edition of the journal Science, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science oceanographer Dr. Lou Codispoti explains that the increased amount […]
By TOM ARUPMarch 15, 2010 THE nation’s two leading scientific agencies will release a report today showing Australia has warmed up significantly over the past 50 years. It is a response to recent attacks on the science underpinning climate change. The State of the Climate snapshot, drawn together by the CSIRO and the Bureau of […]
Signs of white nose syndrome found in Allegany cave March 11, 2010 | By Frank D. Roylance | Baltimore Sun reporter Biologists have found what they believe is the first evidence that Maryland bats are now infected with white nose syndrome, a deadly fungal disease that has killed more than a million hibernating bats since […]
By JAY ROOT, Associated Press Writer Jay Root, Associated Press Writer – Thu Mar 11, 6:50 pm ET AUSTIN, Texas – Global climate change poses a significant threat to migratory bird populations, which are already stressed by the loss of habitat and environmental pollution, according to a report released Thursday. U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar […]
BLANCHE This is Desdemona News for Friday, March 12th, 2010. Melting Arctic ice could cost global agriculture, real estate, and insurance anywhere from 2.4 trillion to $24 trillion by 2050, in damage from rising sea levels, floods, and heat waves, according to a report released last Friday. EDDIE Severe forest fires in Vietnam’s northern mountainous […]
By Jaymi Heimbuch, San Francisco, California on 03.12.10 Sea lions are having a hard time finding food this spring, and pups are feeling the squeeze. Marine mammal experts report that dozens of sick and hungry sea lion pups have washed up on California shores this winter, many not making it even with the help they […]
Reporting by Enrique Andres Pretel; Writing by Andrew Cawthorne; Editing by Eric BeechCARACASWed Mar 10, 2010 10:12am EST CARACAS (Reuters) – President Hugo Chavez is confident that God and nature will pull Venezuela out of a power crisis battering both the economy and his popularity. Rationing and blackouts have afflicted the South American oil exporter […]