NOAA: Warmest May, spring, and Jan-May on record

By Joe Romm NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center has published its monthly “State of the Climate Report.” The combined global land and ocean surface temperature was the warmest on record for May, March-May (Northern Hemisphere spring-Southern Hemisphere autumn), and the period January-May. The warming in May is greatest precisely where climate science suggested it would […]

Graph of the Day: Change in Latitude of Bird Center of Abundance, 1966–2005

This figure shows annual change in latitude of bird center of abundance for 305 widespread bird species in North America from 1966 to 2005. Each winter is represented by the year in which it began (for example, winter 2005–2006 is shown as 2005). The shaded band shows the likely range of values, based on the […]

Cape Cod lobster industry faces crisis as waters warm

By Doug Fraserdfraser@capecodonline.comJune 13, 2010 Too hot for a lobster? The imagination leaps to boiling water, followed by lots of melted butter. But the water temperatures that are killing off far more lobsters than make it into a cooking pot are of a much lower order. In what could be the first major economic blow […]

Water crisis fuels Yemen’s many woes

Sanaa, Yemen (UPI) Jun 9, 2010 – Two people were killed recently in a dispute over water rights in Yemen where extreme water scarcity is arguably the violence-plagued country’s greatest crisis. With the ancient capital, Sanaa, expected to run dry in a few years, water shortages are stirring popular discontent and fueling growing political unrest […]

Climate change already pushing vegetation toward poles and equator

By Matthew McDermott, New York, NY on 06. 9.10Science & Technology (science) Vegetation around the globe has already been moving in response to global climate change, a new report in the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography shows. In fact the report authors say that since the 18th century they have found fifteen cases where biomes […]

Study points to global snake decline

  By Jeremy Hance, www.mongabay.comJune 09, 2010 A number of reports over the last decade have shown amphibians, lizards, fish, and birds facing steep population declines across species and continents, providing further evidence that the planet is undergoing a mass extinction. Now a new study in Biology Letters adds another group of animals to that […]

Climate change made apes vanish in ancient Europe

By Katia Moskvitch Science reporter, BBC News Page last updated at 4:14 GMT, Monday, 7 June 2010 5:14 UK Great apes were wiped out in ancient Europe when their environment changed drastically some nine million years ago, scientists say. A study of fossil teeth from grazing animals sheds light on what Europe was like during […]

Graph of the Day: Net Cumulative Area of 34 Greenland Glaciers, 2000-2009

Our 2009 area change survey of 34 of the widest Greenland marine-terminating glacier outlets from the inland ice sheet is complete. We find a net marine-terminating ice area loss of 109 sq km. The total net cumulative area change from year 2000 (when our survey begins) to 2009 is -990.2 sq. km, a loss equivalent […]

UN warns climate change could trigger ‘mega-disasters’

Sydney (AFP) June 6, 2010 – Weather-related catastrophes brought about by climate change are increasing, the top UN humanitarian official said Sunday as he warned of the possibility of “mega-disasters”. John Holmes, the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, said one of the biggest challenges facing the aid community was the problems stemming from changing […]

Graph of the Day: Temperatures Worldwide, 1901–2009

This figure shows how average temperatures worldwide have changed since 1901. Surface global data come from a combined set of land-based weather stations and sea surface temperature measurements, while satellite measurements cover the lower troposphere, which is the lowest level of the Earth’s atmosphere (see diagram on p. 20). “UAH” and “RSS” represent two different […]

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