By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News23 February 2011 Three-quarters of the world’s coral reefs are at risk due to overfishing, pollution, climate change and other factors, says a major new assessment. Reefs at Risk Revisited collates the work of hundreds of scientists and took three years to compile. The biggest threat is exploitative fishing, […]
February 22, 2011 (AFP) — Fifty million “environmental refugees” will flood into the global north by 2020, fleeing food shortages sparked by climate change, experts warned at a major science conference that ended here Monday. “In 2020, the UN has projected that we will have 50 million environmental refugees,” Cristina Tirado, a professor at the […]
21 Feb 2011 (ITN) – Up to 300 people have been forced to evacuate their homes in northern Australia due to rising flood levels caused by Cyclone Carlos. River Daly peaked early in the day, flooding homes in the small town of Nauiyu, south of Darwin. Local reports state animals in the area were snatched […]
By Mike Foster21 Feb 2011 Institutional investors need to shift 40% of their portfolios into climate-sensitive sectors, including infrastructure and agriculture, to safeguard returns against the impact of global warming, according to consultant Mercer. Mercer is the biggest investment consultant in the world. Its approach, backed in a report by global institutions managing $2 trillion, […]
Researchers from SF State’s Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies examine a threat to the ocean’s ability to absorb greenhouse gasses. Climate change and ocean acidification via Ocean Acidification Technorati Tags: ocean acidification,carbon dioxide,climate change,global warming
The lives and livelihood of communities living in arid and semi-arid lands were affected by the worsening drought conditions in 2010. Wajir district, in northern Kenya was the worst hit and continued to record deterioration of pasture, livestock body conditions, and access to water since August 2010. Worsening conditions were also reported in parts of […]
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Climate change could increase exposure to water-borne diseases originating in oceans, lakes and coastal ecosystems, and the impact could be felt within 10 years, US scientists told a conference in Washington on Saturday. Several studies have shown that shifts brought about by climate change make ocean and freshwater environments more susceptible to […]
Expat Down Under Russell Ward felt strangely distanced from Australia’s recent spate of natural disasters – until someone in his family was affected. By Russell Ward18 Feb 2011 Expats in Australia will remember this summer mainly for nature wreaking absolute havoc across the country. It began in the second week of the new year with […]
Source: Maplecroft15 Feb 2011 The role of climate change in the recent catalogue of meteorological disasters will be hotly debated. It is widely acknowledged that a warming world will impact cyclone activity and rainfall patterns. However, the impact on the intensity of La Niña events remains uncertain. Event The 2010/2011 La Niña episode has left […]
Contact: Katherine Leitzell, NSIDC Communication, leitzell@nsidc.org16 February 2011 One- to two-thirds of Earth’s permafrost will disappear by 2200, unleashing vast quantities of carbon into the atmosphere, says a study by researchers at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). “The amount of carbon released is equivalent […]