Graph of the Day: Countries’ Actions and Commitments on Climate Change

The Smith School at Oxford has rated each country’s actions and commitments on climate change. Dark green is ‘Very good’, dark orange is ‘Very poor’, and gray is ‘Not participating in the UNFCCC process’. Update: Thanks to a reader we have the source document from the Smith School: International climate change negotiations: Key lessons and […]

Mountaineers see dramatic climate changes in the Himalaya region

By Meena MenonJuly 17, 2011 MUMBAI (The Hindu) – It was in 1985 that Apa Sherpa, who scaled Mount Everest for the 21st time in May 2011, came face to face with climate change. His entire village Thame was washed away in a massive glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) of the Dig Tsho (Tsho-lake), in […]

Ethiopia: Great trek for water in the south – ‘We don’t know what will become of us’

BORENA (OROMIYA REGION), 19 July 2011 (IRIN) – For many people, access to water is a mere turn of the tap away; for Abdha Aso, a 20-year-old mother of five, it involves a four-hour round trip to a muddy pond. Only a year ago, she could reach a nearby stream in 20 minutes but it […]

Whitebark pine tree faces extinction threat from ‘dramatic and catastrophic’ climate change

By Juliet Eilperin18 July 2011 The Fish and Wildlife Service determined Monday that whitebark pine, a tree found atop mountains across the American West, faces an “imminent” risk of extinction because of factors including climate change. The decision is significant because it marks the first time the federal government has identified climate change as one […]

Polar bear cubs die as ice melts, swims get longer

By Deborah Zabarenko18 July 2011 WASHINGTON — Polar bear cubs forced to swim long distances with their mothers as their icy Arctic habitat melts appear to have a higher mortality rate than cubs that didn’t have to swim as far, a new study reports. Polar bears hunt, feed and give birth on ice or on […]

Rising oceans: Too late to turn the tide?

By Daniel Stolte, University Communications 14 July 2011 Melting ice sheets contributed much more to rising sea levels than thermal expansion of warming ocean waters during the Last Interglacial Period, a UA-led team of researchers has found. The results further suggest that ocean levels continue to rise long after warming of the atmosphere levels off. […]

Oklahoma governor asks for prayers for rain

By MICHAEL MCNUTT, CAPITOL BUREAU15 July 2011 With no forecast of rain in sight, Gov. Mary Fallin suggests Oklahomans seek help from a higher power. The governor on Thursday asked Oklahomans to set aside time Sunday to pray for rain. Dry conditions have contributed to more than 140 wildfires this year, resulting in the loss of […]

Wars, food shortages and mass immigration: How global warming poses dire threat to Britain’s security

By David Derbyshire8 July 2011 Global warming will threaten Britain’s security by triggering wars, food shortages and mass migration, Energy Minister Chris Huhne warned today. Although the UK may escape the worst physical impacts of rising temperatures and sea levels, the UK will still be exposed to ‘alarming and shocking’ consequences of climate change elsewhere, […]

Water concerns rising as cattle die in record Texas drought – Ranchers ‘exiting the industry in large numbers due to losses’

By BETSY BLANEY, Associated Press14 July 2011 LUBBOCK, Texas – The unrelenting Texas drought has produced a cruelly ironic twist: cattle dying from too much water. Agriculture officials in parched Texas said Wednesday there are no hard numbers on how many head of cattle have died but reports of deaths from too much water or […]

Overuse of Central Asia’s Amu-Darya river a threat to stability: UN

Geneva (AFP) July 11, 2011 – The over-exploitation of the Amu-Darya river which snakes across Afghanistan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, could threaten the long-term stability of the region, the UN said Monday. The problem dates back to the Soviet era, when a massive cotton growing programme was launched by Moscow, sapping up water and releasing […]

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