Assessing climate change in a drought-stricken state

By KATE GALBRAITH26 August 2011 So, is this the result of climate change? Scientists hedge, particularly when it comes to the drought, because they are reluctant to pin any single weather event on climate change. They point to La Niña, an intermittent Pacific Ocean phenomenon that affects storms, as the immediate cause. “We can’t say […]

‘Exceptional drought’ record for United States set in July 2011

Writer: Steve Smith, University Communications, (402) 472-4226 Contact: Brian Fuchs, National Drought Mitigation Center climatologist, (402) 472-6775 The percent of contiguous U.S. land area experiencing exceptional drought in July reached the highest levels in the history of the U.S. Drought Monitor, said an official at the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. […]

Texas drought takes toll on wildlife – Sections of major rivers have dried up completely

By John Burnett26 August 2011 The unfolding calamity that is the Texas drought has thrown nature out of balance. Many of the wild things that live in this state are suffering. Sections of major rivers — like the Brazos, the Guadalupe, the Blanco, Llano and Pedernales — have dried up. In many places, there aren’t […]

Graph of the Day: Sea Level Trends along the U.S. East Coast

Relative sea level trends (millimeters/year) along the U.S. East Coast. The rate of annual sea level rise measured at Sewells Point in Norfolk is the highest of all stations along the U.S. East Coast at nearly 4.5 millimeters per year. Trends are shown for Key West, Florida; Mayport, Florida; Charleston, South Carolina; Sewells Point, Virginia; […]

More power plant woes likely if Texas drought drags into winter – ‘Cooling reservoirs just aren’t being replenished’

By Tom Fowler24 August 2011 A number of Texas power plants may need to cut back operations or shut down completely if the state’s severe drought continues into the fall, an official with Texas’ main transmission manager told FuelFix. At least one North Texas power plant has had to reduce how much it generates because the […]

Britons face insurance ‘crisis’ as U.K.’s government trims flood defence

By Ed Ballard 19 August 2011 Emma Summerfield returned home on a rainy November evening in 2009 to find her vacuum cleaner afloat on a rising tide in her cellar. Hours later, her 18th century mill-house in Cumbria, northern England, was six feet deep in water. When the water receded, it left rooms wrecked, walls […]

Greenland glacier melting faster than expected – Two consecutive years of record losses

Contact: Amy Stone, Media Relations Officer, on 0114 2221046 17 August 2011 A key glacier in Greenland is melting faster than previously expected, according to findings by a team of academics, including Dr Edward Hanna from University of Sheffield. Dr Hanna, from the University of Sheffield’s Department of Geography, was part of a team of […]

Texas crops wilt amid drought – Record 251 counties have outdoor burn bans – More drought predicted for next year

By Lara K. Richards23 August 2011 The sweltering heat and crushing drought have taken North Texas captive, drying up hope for a fall wheat crop. Stan Bevers, management economist and extension professor with Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Vernon, said lack of rainfall coupled with days and days of triple-digit heat have taken […]

Top climate scientist vindicated by NSF investigation

By Joe Romm 22 August 2011 Two things we know with extremely high confidence: Recent warming is unprecedented in magnitude and speed and cause (so the temperature history looks like a Hockey Stick). Michael Mann, the lead author on the original Hockey Stick paper, is one of the nation’s top climatologists and a source of […]

Vietnam rice bowl threatened by rising seas – Climate change turning rivers of Mekong Delta salty

By Kit Gillet in Ben Tre, Vietnam, 21 August 2011 Sitting amid buckets of rice in the market, Nguyen Thi Lim Lien issues a warning she desperately hopes the world will hear: climate change is turning the rivers of the Mekong Delta salty. “The government tells us that there are three grams of salt […]

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