Union of Concerned Scientists 17 February 2012 WASHINGTON – Seven leading climate researchers who themselves were the victims of an email theft which was promoted by the Heartland Institute have written an open letter to the organization, calling on it to refrain from spreading inaccurate information about climate science and attacking climate researchers. The letter […]
via I Heart Climate Scientists Technorati Tags: global warming,climate change,propaganda,corruption,oil production
By Sou from Bundangawoolaran7 February 2012 Today the Bureau of Meteorology issued a Special Climate Statement: Australia’s wettest two year period on record; 2010-2011. The statement speaks for itself. There are towns this year, as there were last year, having record floods. Following the ‘Big Dry’ it would seem that Australia is no longer having […]
By Katy Migiro; Editing by Rebekah Curtis13 February 2012 NAIROBI (AlertNet) – East Africa, still battling a hunger crisis, should be prepared for another dry spell and further food insecurity due to the persistence of La Niña weather conditions that last year brought severe drought to the region, weather forecasters have warned. “La Niña conditions […]
[Update: The “dissuading teachers” document is probably fake, but the rest appear legit. ] [Desdemona wonders if the commercial mass media will give this story the same attention that the manufactured “Climategate” affair received.] By Phil Plait15 February 2012 The Heartland Institute — a self-described “think tank” that actually serves in part as a way […]
Cupid’s Lament Technorati Tags: agriculture,global warming,climate change,Indonesia,Africa,crop failure
By John Nielsen-Gammon 13 February 2012 The University of Texas’s new Center for Integrated Earth System Science is hosting its first public event today: a water forum entitled “Texas Drought 2012 — Are We Prepared?” The morning talks featured status reports from various state and regional agencies, while the afternoon featured water research tools and capabilities […]
By Juliette Garside, www.guardian.co.uk 14 February 2012 Lloyd’s of London has estimated that it is liable for $2.22bn (£1.4bn) of net claims from the flooding that devastated Thailand last year. In a first calculation of its liability for the damage, released to the City on Tuesday, the insurance market said the claims were unlikely to […]
Media Contact: David Stauth, 541-737-0787 Stephen Giovannoni, 541-737-1835 CORVALLIS, Oregon – As oceans warm due to climate change, water layers will mix less and affect the microbes and plankton that pump carbon out of the atmosphere – but researchers say it’s still unclear whether these processes will further increase global warming or decrease it. The […]
By Mike De Souza, mdesouza@postmedia.com, Postmedia News 12 February 2012 OTTAWA – A taxpayer-funded pro-oil lobbying retreat, involving Canada’s European diplomats and industry, has urged the federal government to deliver real climate change solutions to restore the country’s sagging environmental reputation. The two-day retreat, held 1-2 February 2011 in London, England, concluded that Canada’s foreign […]