The world in 2050: Deutsche Post DHL releases a study on the future

Berlin/Bonn, 27 February 2012 (DHL) – With its release of the study of the future, Delivering Tomorrow: Logistics 2050, Deutsche Post DHL is taking a far-reaching look into the future of trade, business and society. The study examines five different scenarios of life in the year 2050. These five visions of the future are based […]

Graph of the Day: Accumulated Property Damage from Hurricanes, 2000 – 2100

Accumulated property damage from 2000 to the year on the abscissa for hurricanes downscaled from the GFDL CM2.0 model, for constant climate (blue) and a warming climate under IPCC scenario A1b (red). The solid curves show particular realizations of a 1000-member ensemble, while the error bars show one standard deviation up and down from the […]

Texas drought eases, but it’s too late for some – Drought worsens in western U.S.

By Andrew Freedman25 February 2012 (Climate Central) – Defying seasonal climate forecasts, this winter has been very good to Texas, which has been locked in the grips of one of the worst droughts in state history. But the unexpectedly generous winter storms have come too late for some, since water supplies are still running low. […]

Video: I’m A Climate Scientist – Extended Version (NSFW)

“Bitches be cryin’ about a carbon tax” In the media landscape, there are climate change deniers and believers, but rarely are those speaking about climate change actually climate scientists. Word up with these scientists and numerous students: Dr. Jason Evans, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW Dr. Katrin Meissner, Senior Lecturer, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW […]

Millions of Pakistan flood victims still at risk – U.N. issues desperate plea for $440 million

16 February 2012 (presstv) – Millions of Pakistanis are still at serious risk of malnutrition and disease due to a weak international response to the country’s second major flooding crisis in two years. The Pakistan Humanitarian Forum (PHF) said Thursday that at least 2.5 million people in the flood-hit country are still suffering from the […]

Drought toll on urban forests in Texas: 5.6 million trees and counting

2010   2011 By Matt Dietrichson16 February 2012 About 5.6 million trees in cities and towns across Texas were killed by last year’s record-setting drought, the Texas Forest Service has estimated after studying before-and-after satellite imagery. This “dramatic” toll on the state’s urban forest is “a slow-moving disaster, not like a hurricane or ice storm,” […]

Another Wall Street Journal editorial attacks climate science: ‘The level of deception by the WSJ authors is absolutely astonishing’

By Barry Bickmore 22 February 2012 The Wall Street Journal posted yet another op-ed by 16 scientists and engineers, which even include a few climate scientists(!). Here is the editor’s note to explain the context. Editor’s Note: The authors of the following letter, listed below, are also the signatories of “No Need to Panic About […]

Will your kid be taught that climate change is a hoax?

By Brad Plumer23 February 2012 One revelation from the recent Heartland Institute document leak is that the group is crafting a K-12 curriculum to teach kids that global warming is “controversial.” Heartland officials have confirmed this. So is climate change set to join evolution as the next big classroom controversy? Things do seem to be […]

After driest year on record in Texas, water could be cut off for rice farmers

By Matthew Tresaugue and Mike Glenn23 February 2012 Rice growers have come to expect certain things from the coastal plain near Matagorda Bay: sun, rich soil and abundant water. But after the driest year on record in Texas, the farmers might be without water for the first time. The Lower Colorado River Authority, which manages […]

Mass extinction by global warming: Gradual doom as bad as abrupt

Media Contacts: Cheryl Dybas, NSF (703) 292-7734, Greg Hand, University of Cincinnati, (513) 556-1822, 3 February 2012 The deadliest mass extinction of all took a long time to kill 90 percent of Earth’s marine life–and it killed in stages–according to a newly published report. It shows that mass extinctions need not be sudden […]

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