Will U.S. role at climate talks change after Hurricane Sandy?

By KARL RITTER 24 November 2012 DOHA, Qatar (AP) – During a year with a monster storm and scorching heat waves, Americans have experienced the kind of freakish weather that many scientists say will occur more often on a warming planet. And as a re-elected president talks about global warming again, climate activists are cautiously […]

UN climate talks open in Qatar

By KARL RITTER, with contributions from AP Environment Writer Michael Casey 26 November 2012 DOHA, Qatar (AP) – U.N. talks on a new climate pact resumed Monday in oil and gas-rich Qatar, where negotiators from nearly 200 countries will discuss fighting global warming and helping poor nations adapt to it. The two-decade-old talks have not […]

Coastal erosion reaches alarming levels in Vietnam

By Thuy Binh25 November 2012 AN BIEN, Vietnam (IPS) – For the last decade, many families in this southwestern Vietnamese province have been uprooted at least once every two years – but this is not due to economic or political upheaval. Rather, extreme weather has forcibly turned many of these coast-dwellers into unwilling travellers, as […]

Graph of the Day: Winter Precipitation and Summer Temperature in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1900-2012

Observed wintertime precipitation (blue), which contributes most to the annual budget, and summertime temperature (red), which is most important with respect to evaporative drying, with their long-term trend for the eastern Mediterranean region. World Bank, 2012 Climate Change Report Warns of Dramatically Warmer World This Century Technorati Tags: global warming,climate change,drought,heat wave,agriculture,freshwater depletion,crop failure

Study shows summer climate change, mostly warming

Contact: Irina Mahlstein, CIRES, 303-497-4746Jane Palmer, CIRES science writer, 303-883-4398 13 November 2012 (UC Boulder) – Analysis of 90 years of observational data has revealed that summer climates in regions across the globe are changing – mostly, but not always, warming – according to a new study led by a scientist from the Cooperative Institute […]

Video: Science Girl talks climate change and dirty energy

  The Science Girl takes a comedic look at the differences between climate and weather. Created for the live broadcast of 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report. Climate Reality Technorati Tags: global warming,climate change,oil production,coal,alternative energy,wildfire,flood,heat wave,drought

Obama under pressure to show Doha he is serious on climate change

Suzanne Goldenberg US environment correspondent 23 November 2012 (guardian.co.uk) – Barack Obama is being pressed for proof of his intent to act on climate change ahead of next week’s United Nations global warming summit in Doha. The proof might boil down to just two words: two degrees. An early statement at Doha that America remains […]

World Bank report warns of dramatically warmer world this century

Media Inquiries: 202.473.7660, media@worldbank.org18 November 2012 (World Bank) – Like summer’s satellite image of the melting Greenland ice sheet, a new report suggests time may be running out to temper the rising risks of climate change. Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4°C Warmer World Must be Avoided, [pdf, eBook] warns we’re on track for […]

Carbon tax percolates through U.S. political system – Washington state representative introduces Managed Carbon Price Act

By Kevin G. Hall20 November 2012 WASHINGTON (McClatchy Newspapers) – The president downplays it. Insiders insist it doesn’t stand a chance. Yet as negotiations between the Obama administration and Congress take form over a deal on taxes and budgets, the idea of a carbon tax is discussed with greater frequency. Oddly enough, there’s no high-profile […]

Iowa scientists: Climate change caused the drought

DES MOINES, Iowa, 19 November 2012 (CBS/AP) – Scientists are saying that due to climate change caused by greenhouse gases, Iowans should brace themselves for more bad weather like the 2012 drought. More than 130 scientists from Iowa colleges and universities said in a statement on Monday that this year’s drought is consistent with a […]

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