Republican lawmaker in Washington state backpedals after saying cyclists pollute by breathing

By Eric M. Johnson; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Lisa Shumaker5 March 2013 (Reuters) – A Washington state lawmaker has apologized for telling a bike store owner, in a spat over a proposed bike fee, that bicyclists can cause pollution – just by breathing out carbon dioxide. Ed Orcutt, a ranking Republican member of the […]

The Angry Summer: Government report blames climate change for weather extremes in Australia

By MATT SIEGEL4 March 2013 SYDNEY, Australia (The New York Times) – Climate change was a major driving force behind a string of extreme weather events that alternately scorched and soaked large sections of Australia in recent months, according to a report [pdf] issued Monday by the government’s Climate Commission. A four-month heat wave during […]

The New York Times kills its environmental blog to focus on horse racing and awards shows

By Will Oremus4 March 2013 (Slate) – In January, the New York Times dismantled its environmental desk but promised that its coverage wouldn’t suffer. “We can tell the story just as well without the infrastructure,” managing editor Dean Baquet told the paper’s public editor, Margaret Sullivan. Reaction to the news was generally disconsolate, but Bora […]

Warming climate could mean bigger blizzards, less snow – ‘The seasonal cycle is changing, and less of it accumulating’

By Matt Smith and Brandon Miller, CNN26 February 2013 (CNN) – OK, go ahead and get the “Where’s my global warming?” jokes out of your system. With the U.S. Midwest trudging through its second blizzard in a week, we understand. But while it may seem contradictory at first, scientists say bigger blizzards fit the pattern […]

Melting Arctic sea ice will allow ice-strengthened vessels to sail directly over the pole by 2050

By John Vidal 4 March 2013 ( – Ships should be able to sail directly over the north pole by the middle of this century, considerably reducing the costs of trade between Europe and China but posing new economic, strategic and environmental challenges for governments, according to scientists. The dramatic reduction in the thickness and […]

UK must adapt for weather extremes, says Environment Agency – ‘The extremes of weather that we saw last year highlight the urgent need to plan for a changing climate’

By Roger Harrabin, Environment analyst3 March 2013 (BBC) – Britain must become more resilient to both drought and flooding, Environment Agency chairman Chris Smith has said. New figures from the agency show that one in every five days saw flooding in 2012, but one in four days saw drought. Rivers such as the Tyne, Ouse, […]

Study suggests ‘moral purity’ may overcome politically conservative resistance to environmental science

By Paul Rosenberg25 February 2013 Could feelings of disgust be the key to saving the planet from global warming? Strange as it might seem, the answer may be yes. Concern over environmental harm is disproportionately a liberal phenomena, but concern over violating the purity and sanctity of nature cuts across ideological lines. What’s more, it’s […]

Graph of the Day: Trends in forest canopy green cover over the eastern United States, 2000-2010

Contact: Ruth Dasso Marlaire,, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California,650-604-470925 February 2013 NASA scientists report that warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation locally and regionally have altered the growth of large forest areas in the eastern United States over the past 10 years. Using NASA’s Terra satellite, scientists examined the relationship between natural plant […]

Climate change dates back to dawn of first farmers – ‘Early farmers used a lot more land, and they cleared a lot more forest per farmer’

By Dan Vergano3 March 2013 (USA TODAY) – Deforestation by early farmers likely kicked off an era of man-made climate change long before our present era, suggests a climate scientist taking a hard look at agriculture’s early effects. Chopping down trees with flint axes, planting peas and shearing sheep — those all sound like the […]

Q and A: The Angry Economist – ‘Natural gas gives America an excuse not to do anything now’

By Lisa Palmer1 March 2013 (The New York Times) – Dieter Helm has long been frustrated that, despite more than two decades of international negotiations, the world has failed to tackle climate change. So he got angry, he said, and decided to write a book about it: The Carbon Crunch: How We’re Getting Climate Change […]

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