Trump stacks administration with climate change denialists – “It’s much more naked and right-wing than what we’ve seen before”

By Devin Henry 9 September 2017 (The Hill) – President Trump has stacked his administration with officials who doubt the scientific consensus behind man-made climate change, underscoring a growing divide within the Republican party. Even as leading scientists, environmentalists and most Democrats accept research that shows climate change accelerating — and as some see it […]

Has global warming intensified 2017’s wildfires in the U.S. West? “When we remember that the relationship between temperature and fire is exponential, we’re really talking about a very different western United States in 50 years”

By Robinson Meyer  7 September 2017 (The Atlantic) – This wasn’t supposed to be a bad year for Western wildfires.Last winter, a weak La Niña bloomed across the Pacific. It sent flume after flume of rain to North America and irrigated half the continent. Water penetrated deep into the soil of Western forests, and mammoth […]

Hurricanes Irma, Harvey to cast pall over U.S. economy for months and even years

By Jeffry Bartash 9 September 2017 (MarketWatch) – Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have upended the lives of millions of Americans, but the aftereffects will also linger in much smaller way for those entrusted with keeping the U.S. economy safe and sound. The storms caused tremendous damage, forced thousands of businesses to close and compelled millions […]

Trump wanted to kill the Obama flood rule. Then came the hurricanes.

By Rebecca Leber 8 September 2017 (Mother Jones) – Three weeks ago, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that reversed an Obama-era requirement that future construction in areas likely to flood need to be built at a higher elevation [cf. Trump signs order to end Obama-era flood risk building standards]. But after the devastation […]

Hurricane Harvey, we yawn in your direction

By Lindsay Curren 7 September 2017 (A Mind On Our Times) – And Irma, we don’t really give a crap about you, either.Twenty-seven TRILLION gallons of water dumped on Southeast Texas in six days? That’s what the various reports say.And we say, “Big whoop!”Wild-Westy, pavement-obsessedy Houston essentially destroyed, molded, and steeped in a toxic stew […]

Potent mix of record heat and dryness fuels wildfires across the U.S. West and British Columbia – “These unprecedented extreme events are exactly the types of events that are more likely due to the global warming that’s already occurred”

By Georgina Gustin 5 September 2017 (Inside Climate News) – Wildfires burned across hundreds of thousands of acres in the American and Canadian West this week, fueled by scorching temperatures that are breaking heat and fire records across the region.In California, while temperatures have eased, at least 15 cities have seen record-breaking heat, and the […]

Author Gwynne Dyer predicts climate change will bring grim future to the Arctic – “The North will be the victims of what is happening elsewhere”

By Beth Brown 5 September 2017 NUNAVUT (Nunatsiaq News) – The world’s average global temperature is only one degree Celsius away from a potential climate catastrophe to which few regions would be more vulnerable than the Arctic. That’s according to well-known author, historian and journalist Gwynne Dyer, who is a frequent commentator on international affairs, […]

Those three percent of scientific papers that deny climate change? A review found them all flawed

By Katherine Ellen Foley 5 September 2017 (Quartz) – It’s often said that of all the published scientific research on climate change, 97% of the papers conclude that global warming is real, problematic for the planet, and has been exacerbated by human activity.But what about those 3% of papers that reach contrary conclusions? Some skeptics […]

South Asia floods: Estimated 40 million across India, Bangladesh, Nepal affected

By Anne Barker 8 September 2017 (ABC News) – An estimated 40 million people in South Asia are struggling to rebuild their lives after massive floods devastated the region nearly a month ago.Entire villages across Bangladesh, India, and Nepal remained submerged under water since the floods began in mid-August.Authorities have described it as the region’s […]

Hasten efforts to achieve sustainable global goals, urges deputy UN chief – “Our assessment clearly shows that the pace of progress is insufficient”

8 September 2017 (United Nations) – Noting the efforts being undertaken around the globe to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed called for picking up the pace to ensure that the 2030 deadline is met.“The SDGs have jumped from the General Assembly Hall to communities across the world [and] […]

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