Study finds hundreds of thousands of U.S. homes at risk of chronic flooding due to sea level rise over the coming decades – “By 2100, there’s a 98–100 percent chance that we get 6 inches of sea level rise. It’s virtually guaranteed.”

(UCS) – Sea levels are rising. Tides are inching higher. High-tide floods are becoming more frequent and reaching farther inland. And hundreds of US coastal communities will soon face chronic, disruptive flooding that directly affects people’s homes, lives, and properties. Yet property values in most coastal real estate markets do not currently reflect this risk. […]

All-time record high temperatures matched or toppled from Colorado to Scotland – “Unprecedented” and “apocalyptic” moorland fires near Manchester, England

By Bob Henson 29 June 2018 (Weather Underground) – June will segue into July this weekend with much of the central and eastern U.S. enduring a blistering, dangerous heat wave that could extend into the July 4 holiday in some areas. Excessive heat warnings were already in place Friday morning for parts of 11 states […]

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg pledges to donate $4.5 million to the UN Climate Change Secretariat to make up for Trump’s shortfall – “America made a commitment”

15 June 2018 (Second Nexus) – When President Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, he didn’t just damage the global environment. He damaged the country’s reputation. Since World War II, the United States has pledged to be a global leader, using its wealth, power and influence to make decisions that impact […]

The future we don’t want: Billions of urban citizens at risk of climate-related heat waves, drought, flooding, food shortages, and blackouts by 2050

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, 19 June 2018 (Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy) – Billions of people in thousands of cities around the world will be at risk from climate-related heatwaves, drought, flooding, food  shortages,  blackouts  and  social  inequality by  mid-century without  bold  and urgent  action  to  reduce  greenhouse  gas  emissions. Fortunately,  cities  […]

Trump administration plan shifts NOAA focus away from climate science to homeland and national security – “A shocking change in the mission of one of the nation’s premier scientific agencies”

By John Schwartz 24 June 2018 (The New York Times) – The Trump administration appears to be planning to shift the mission of one of the most important federal science agencies that works on climate change — away from climate change.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is part of the Department of Commerce, operates […]

Global warming, 30 years later: Told you so

By Tamino 21 June 2018 (Open Mind) – Thirty years ago James Hansen testified in congress that man-made climate change (a.k.a. global warming) was underway. He forecast that the world would get hotter.What happened since? The world got hotter. He also forecast that the Arctic would warm even faster. What happened since? The Arctic warmed […]

From drought to floods in Somalia – Displacement and hunger worsen, reports UN Children’s Fund

8 June 2018 (UN News) – After four consecutive poor rainy seasons that brought Somalia to the brink of famine, the country is now seeing near-record rainfall, and with it, flooding that has already displaced hundreds of thousands of people, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday.According to the agency, about 230,000 people, over […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of sediments in Lake Superior after torrential Michigan rain, 18 June 2018

By Kasha Patel 19 June 2018 (NASA) – In a matter of hours on 17 June 2018, torrential rains transformed parts of Michigan into a “state of disaster.” Early morning storms swept through the Upper Midwest, creating flash floods, a few fatalities, and historic property damage.The potent storms developed when moisture in the mid and […]

A 30-year alarm on the reality of climate change – “The predictions of the world’s leading climate scientists have come true”

By Harry Stevens 23 June 2018 (Axios) – Three decades have passed since then-NASA scientist James Hansen testified before the Senate Energy committee and alerted the country to the arrival of global warming.Why it matters: The predictions of the world’s leading climate scientists have come true, with dire consequence for the planet. In the 30-year […]

Stripes for the Solstice: Meteorologists united on global warming – “The time has come for meteorologists to step up to the plate. If we do not take the helm, who will?”

By Bob Henson 20 June 2018 (Weather Underground) – Close to 100 broadcast meteorologists will don blue and red stripes for their on-air segments Thursday as part of an international effort to raise awareness of the reality of human-produced climate change. The campaign, Meteorologists United on Climate Change, is scheduled for June 21, the Northern […]

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