Will we miss our last chance to save the world from global warming?

By Jeff Goodell22 December 2016 (Rolling Stone) – In the late 1980s, James Hansen became the first scientist to offer unassailable evidence that burning fossil fuels is heating up the planet. In the decades since, as the world has warmed, the ice has melted and the wildfires have spread, he has published papers on everything […]

Tenfold jump in green technologies needed to meet global emissions targets – “We must scale them up and spread them globally at unprecedented speeds”

3 January 2017 (Duke University) – The global spread of green technologies must quicken significantly to avoid future rebounds in greenhouse gas emissions, a new Duke University study shows. “Based on our calculations, we won’t meet the climate warming goals set by the Paris Agreement unless we speed up the spread of clean technology by […]

Ignoring global warming just got more expensive

By Eric Roston23 December 2016 (Bloomberg) – If President-elect Donald Trump stops taking climate change into account when making federal energy policy, he’ll do so just as a leading projection of climate-related costs bolts upward. William Nordhaus of Yale University is a central figure in the study of climate change and economics. In the early […]

On global warming and the economy, we’re trapped in an idiotic netherworld

By Greg Jericho10 December 2016 (The Guardian) – This week was a prime example of how economics and, by extension, politics doesn’t cope very well with the issue of climate change. The news that Australia economy went backwards in the September quarter was greeted with alarm by politicians and then used as a reason to […]

Adam Ruins Everything: Global warming is already happening

  22 December 2016 (truTV) – The question isn’t, “Will warming happen?”; the question is, “How bad will it be?”

How Trump could wage a war on scientific expertise – The mechanics of stripping empiricism out of America’s regulatory systems

By Ed Yong 2 December 2016 (The Atlantic) – In September, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned 19 common chemicals from common antibacterial washes, because manufacturers hadn’t shown that they were safe in the long run, or any better than plain soap and water. In October, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) updated a rule […]

RealClimate: Trump, carbon, and the Paris agreement

By David Archer17 November 2016 (RealClimate) – The recent US election has prompted cries that the decision on Earth’s climate has now been irrevocably made, that the US has unilaterally decided to scrap the peak warming target from the Paris agreement of 1.5oC. What do the numbers say? Is Earth’s climate now irrevocably fracked? The […]

Australia approves ‘grossly irresponsible’ Carmichael coal mine

[Interestingly, the Australian Government’s Reef 2050 Plan for restoring the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t once mention the Carmichael coal mine. –Des] 15 October 2015 (BBC News) – Australia’s government has given its approval for one of the world’s biggest coal mines to be built by India’s Adani Mining in Queensland. In August, a court temporarily […]

No country on Earth is taking the 2 degree climate target seriously

By David Roberts 4 October 2016 (Vox) – One of the morbidly fascinating aspects of climate change is how much cognitive dissonance it generates, in individuals and nations alike. The more you understand the brutal logic of climate change — what it could mean, the effort necessary to forestall it — the more the intensity […]

Ontario government scraps plan for $3.8 billion in renewable energy projects

By Rob Ferguson27 September 2016 (The Star) – Ontario is blowing off plans for more wind and solar power as it feels the heat over high electricity bills less than two years before a provincial election. In its latest effort to curb prices, Premier Kathleen Wynne’s government is axing plans to sign another $3.8 billion […]

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