The myth of ‘shock and awe’: why the U.S. invasion of Iraq was a disaster

[Desdemona can think of another reason why the invasion and occupation were disastrous: If the U.S. had instead poured trillions of dollars into upgrading its energy-production infrastructure to renewables, we wouldn’t need to invade oil-producing nations ever again.] By Richard Sanders19 March 2013 (Daily Telegraph) – The lead unit of the US Marine Corps arrived […]

Man-made desert lake in UAE: Ecological paradise or disaster?

By Leone Lakhani14 March 2013 Lake Zakher, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – In a remote corner of the United Arab Emirates, a blue lake shimmers amid the sand dunes. It’s not a mirage, but a man-made oasis — an unintended byproduct of the UAE’s water management practices, which has sprung from the desert in recent […]

Tuna population collapse fears fail to curb Japan’s appetite – ‘This is undermining Japan’s own national interests’

By MALCOLM FOSTER, Associated Press28 February 2013 TOKYO (AP) – It is the king of sushi, one of the most expensive fish in the world – and dwindling so rapidly that some fear it could vanish from restaurant menus within a generation. Yet there is little alarm in Japan, the country that consumes about 80 […]

Sandstorm pushes Beijing pollution levels off the charts

By Ed Flanagan, Producer, NBC News28 February 2013 BEIJING (NBC News) – Beijing and other parts of northern China were stung by hazardous air pollution levels Thursday as strong winds blew a sandstorm through the region. Air in the capital turned a yellowish hue as sand from China’s arid northwest blew in, turning the sky […]

Siberia permafrost thaw warning sparked by cave data – ‘Significant thawing could affect vast areas and release billions of tonnes of carbon’

22 February 2013 (BBC) – Evidence from Siberian caves suggests that a global temperature rise of 1.5C could see permafrost thaw over a large area of Siberia. A study shows that more than a trillion tonnes of the greenhouse gases CO2 and methane could be released into the atmosphere as a result. Evidence from Siberian […]

China admits pollution-linked ‘cancer villages’ – ‘Poisonous and harmful chemical materials have brought about many water and atmosphere emergencies’

22 February 2013 (AFP) – China’s environment ministry has acknowledged the existence of “cancer villages”, after years of assertions by academics and domestic media that polluted areas experience higher rates of the disease. The use of the term in an official report, thought to be unprecedented, comes as authorities face growing discontent over industrial waste, […]

Smog causes surge in heart deaths: study – ‘We found that for every 10 microgrammes per cubic meter in PM2.5, there was a 20-percent increase in the death rate’

PARIS, 20 February 2013 (AFP) – Exposure to higher levels of fine particulates — the airborne pollution that is an emerging problem in many Asian cities — causes a sharp rise in deaths from heart attacks, a study published on Wednesday said. Research published in the European Heart Journal pointed the finger at so-called PM2.5 […]

NASA satellites find alarming freshwater losses in Middle East, totaling 144 cubic kilometers in 7 years – ‘If it’s not replenished, eventually it will be gone’

Pasadena, California, 15 February 2013 (JPL) –  A new study using data from a pair of gravity-measuring NASA satellites finds that large parts of the arid Middle East region lost freshwater reserves rapidly during the past decade. Scientists at the University of California, Irvine; NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.; and the National […]

Filipino super-typhoon an ominous warning of climate change impact – ‘The devastation was worse than anything I have ever seen’

By Simon Tisdall17 February 2013 ( – When super-typhoon Bopha struck without warning before dawn, flattening the walls of their home, Maria Amparo Jenobiagon, her two daughters and her grandchildren ran for their lives. The storm on 4 December was the worst ever to hit the southern Philippines: torrential rain turned New Bataan’s river into […]

Eagle heads, bear penises, cougar meat part of Washington State wildlife black market – ‘For them, it’s not a living animal, it’s a way to make a buck’

13 February 2013 (KIRO TV) – An exclusive KIRO 7 Investigation uncovers stunning proof of animals being killed illegally to sell their parts for profit. South Sound reporter Richard Thompson shows how state Fish and Wildlife detectives caught criminals out to make a buck, even if it meant wiping out wildlife critical to the Northwest […]

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