Graph of the Day: Global killings of land and environmental defenders, 2002-2014

By Melissa Cronin4 March 2016 (Grist) – The death of Honduran environmental and human rights activist Berta Cáceres this week is an unspeakable tragedy — but it’s not unique. In fact, environmentalists have historically been targeted for their actions, and for speaking out about environmental injustice. Last April, a report found that in 2014, at […]

Syria drought likely its most severe in more than 900 years – ‘The eastern Mediterranean will be a hot spot of aridification due to rising greenhouse gases, and this change is already underway’

By Stacy Morford1 March 2016 (Earth Institute) – In the years before the Syrian conflict erupted, the region’s worst drought on record set in across the Levant, destroying crops and restricting water supplies in the already water-stressed region. A new study shows that that drought, from 1998-2012, wasn’t just the most severe in a century […]

Photo gallery: Endangered Batek tribe faces the loss of their last parcel of Malaysia rainforest

3 March 2016 (ABC News) – Documentary photographer, James Whitlow Delano, seeks to bring awareness to the plight that faces the Batek people of Malaysia today. Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia borders the rainforest and the ancestral home of the Batek people who are believed to have lived there for thousands of years. To […]

Droughts hit cereal crops harder since 1980s

6 January 2016 (McGill University) – Drought and extreme heat events slashed cereal harvests in recent decades by 9% to 10% on average in affected countries – and the impact of these weather disasters was greatest in the developed nations of North America, Europe, and Australasia, according to a new study led by researchers from […]

Requiem for the Mekong river

11 February 2016 (The Economist) – Guo, the driver, pulls his car to a merciful halt high above a crevasse: time for a cigarette, and after seven hours of shuddering along narrow, twisting roads, time for his passengers to check that their fillings remain in place. Lighting up, he steps out of the car and […]

Forest fires threaten wipeout for Siberia conifers as deciduous trees take over – In 2015, 2.6 million hectares of forest burned in Russia

24 February 2016 (Siberian Times) – Global warming spells doom for boreal forests with potentially dramatic implications for carbon release in dark taiga. Climate change is behind a rise in forest fires which are having a direct impact on the tree balance in Siberia, according to a new international study. This shows that conifers are […]

Bay of Bengal ‘three times more deadly’ than Mediterranean for migrants and refugees – UN

23 February 2016 (UN) – Refugees and migrants crossing the seas of Southeast Asia died at a rate three times higher than those in the Mediterranean last year, a new United Nations report has found, highlighting the urgency of greater life-saving cooperation among the affected States. The report, Mixed Maritime Movements in South-East Asia, from […]

Can things get any worse for Russia’s finances? We’re about to find out

By Ksenia Galouchko and Henry Meyer23 February 2016 (Bloomberg) – For a decade, Dmitri Barinov has been following the volatile economy of his homeland from the safe distance of Union Investment’s offices in Frankfurt. Last year, as other money managers were steering clear of Russia’s broken economy, the Moscow-born Barinov pulled off something of a […]

Robert Scribbler: No winter for the Arctic in 2016 – NASA marks hottest January ever recorded

18 February 2016 ( – The Scientists are floored and we should be too. The global heat and especially the extremely high temperature departures we’ve seen in the Arctic over the past month are flat-out unprecedented. It’s  freakish-strange. And what it looks like, to this particular observer, is that the seasonality of our world is […]

Global list of water-related conflicts grows – ‘By any measure or any method, there are too many people who are facing water scarcity’

By Ian James 18 February 2016 (The Desert Sun) – Violent conflicts over water have been flaring in places from Yemen to Peru, and an updated global list shows a sharp rise in the number of water-related clashes reported over the past three decades. The Pacific Institute, a think tank that focuses on water issues, […]

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