By arevamirpal::laprimavera29 April 2011 After the pressure inside the Containment Vessel of the Reactor 1 dropped down very, very close to the atmospheric pressure, TEPCO decided to stop the experiment of pumping extra water into the Pressure Vessel of the Reactor 1. The idea was to pump extra water into the Pressure Vessel, which then […]
When building 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant exploded last month, those who saw the video footage were left to wonder why it was more severe than the other explosions. Adding to the mystery were reports that the containment and reactor in building 3 were still intact. Gundersen discusses several known facts about Fukushima 3 […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera28 April 2011 FNN News Network in Japan has rare footage of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant from the ground-level. The video was taken by Shigeharu Aoyama, a member of Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission on April 22. Mr. Aoyama, a former Kyodo News correspondent, went into Fukushima I Nuke Plant on April 22 as […]
PARIS, April 26 (AFP) — Himalayan villagers have won the backing of climate science for their suspicions that snow cover, water resources and the ecosystem are changing in their region, a study published Wednesday said. The authors of the research carried out by Britain’s Royal Society say this is the first time that subjective perceptions […]
By Jeremy Hance, www.mongabay.com27 April 2011 The Asian Development Bank has warned that high food prices on the continent could push 64 million people in developing countries into extreme poverty, reports the AFP. On average food prices are up 10% since the beginning of the year with staple prices significantly higher than last year. For […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera 27 April 2011 Fukushima 1 nuke plant: 1120 millisieverts/hr – That high level of radiation would indicate the highly radioactive water from the Pressure Vessel may be leaking outside the Containment Vessel, but TEPCO has decided to go ahead with the plan. From Yomiuri Shinbun (1:17 PM JST 4/27/2011): 東京電力は27日、福島第一原子力発電所1号機の原子炉に行っている注水の量を一時的に増やす試験を始めた。 On April 27, […]
By David McNeill in Tokyo23 April 2011 The former governor of Fukushima province has spoken of his frustration at the failure of the Japanese authorities to heed his warnings over the safety of the power plant that was stricken by the country’s recent earthquake. The story of Japan’s epic disaster comes with a generous cast […]
TOKYO, April 25 (UPI) – Radiation leaks remain a health threat for areas around Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, officials said. The crisis at the plant resulted from an earthquake and tsunami March 11. Some experts believe the Fukushima crisis is more serious than that resulting from an explosion at Ukraine’s Chernobyl power plant […]
By Ichiro Matsuo, Tatsuyuki Kobori, and Hidenori Tsuboya26 April 2011 Tokyo Electric Power Co. started the unprecedented and potentially risky measure of allowing water to flood the containment vessels of three troubled reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, company sources said. It is the world’s first attempt to saturate the entire containment […]
By Stuart Biggs, Kanoko Matsuyama, and Frederik Balfour 25 April 2011 The wreckage of a 379-metric ton tuna boat blocks the road to the deserted fish market in Kesennuma, once Japan’s largest port for bonito and swordfish. Even after the debris from last month’s tsunami has been cleared away, the industry may never recover. “Thirty […]