Three things we just learned about climate change and big storms: Can the lessons of Harvey save us? “What Houston shows us, yet again, is that we live in a world of predatory delay”

By Paul Rosenberg 4 September 2017 (Salon) – A storm as momentous as Hurricane Harvey, which devastated southeast Texas last week, holds many lessons — almost too many, one might say. To keep things manageable, I can name three that could serve us very well.First, “Did climate change cause Hurricane Harvey?” is the wrong question […]

What has Hurricane Harvey taught Trump and the Republicans? “Is there a chance that sitting in a control center in Austin is going to persuade Trump that climate change is not a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese?”

By Amy Davidson Sorkin 29 August 2017 (The New Yorker) – “You are special!” President Donald Trump said, to the thousand or so people who had gathered on Tuesday morning outside a firehouse in Corpus Christi, Texas, where he was meeting with officials, including Governor Greg Abbott, Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, and several […]

Hurricane Harvey did not cause climate deniers, but it certainly made them worse

By Sou 1 September 2017 (HotWhopper) – Science deniers were so put out by the deadly rains from Hurricane Harvey that they lost their sense of sight. Now we can’t say that Hurricane Harvey caused climate science deniers, they’ve existed since we changed climate in a big way. We can say that Hurricane Harvey hasn’t […]

After a devastating hurricane, Trump still picks a climate science denier to head NASA

By Linda Stasi 2 September 2017 (New York Daily News) – Dear Donald, Hurricane Harvey could be your defining moment; the moment that changes your presidency from the chaotic mess of threats, bitterness and bilious paranoia to one of rationality and reasonableness. You, sir, could be the President that saves the planet. There is no […]

Trump’s Energy Secretary says climate change debate is “secondary” amid Harvey destruction

2 September 2017 (CBS News) – Energy Secretary Rick Perry, a former Texas governor, is still taken aback by Hurricane Harvey’s devastation, but said conversations about climate change can wait. “No one has ever seen flooding like this,” he told CBSN in an interview Friday, noting that parts of Texas had seen 50 inches of […]

After Harvey, does Trump still think climate change is a hoax?

By Paul Thornton 2 September 2017 (The Los Angeles Times) – Good morning. I’m Paul Thornton, and it is Saturday, 2 September 2017. For those of us in and around Los Angeles who still have electricity, here is a helpful tip for keeping the A/C humming throughout this hellish heatwave (hint: turn something else off […]

What Trump and his team have wrecked so far: environmental protections, climate change preparations, pollution regulations, and much more

31 August 2017 (Moyers and Company) – Donald Trump and his administration are rolling back a number of regulations and initiatives — as well as cutting offices, budgets and staff — and we’re following it in our “While He Was Tweeting” series. As coverage of Trump’s Twitter feed crowds out these stories, here’s a look […]

Trump would slash disaster funding to the very agencies he’s praising for Harvey response – “The president has definitely sent a signal with his budget that emergency management is not of interest”

By Lisa Rein 29 August 2017 (The Washington Post) – As he toured rising floodwater in Texas on Tuesday, President Trump effusively praised his administration’s Hurricane Harvey response, an effort he began touting on Twitter last weekend even before the storm made landfall. But not too long ago, the president proposed a budget calling for […]

US energy agency asked scientists to scrub references to climate change – “If that’s what it takes to keep science going for a couple of years, we will I guess play along”

By Jeff Tollefson and Amy Maxmen 25 August 2017 (Nature) – Multiple researchers who received grants from the US Department of Energy (DOE) say that they have been asked to remove references to “climate change” and “global warming” from the descriptions of their projects, they say. In one case, a lab official at the DOE’s […]

Snopes: Did the Department of Energy ask a scientist to remove the words “climate change” from a grant proposal? “Hey American Scientists, this should send a chill down your spine”

By Alex Kasprak 25 August 2017 (Snopes) – On 24 August 2017, Jennifer Bowen, an Ecology professor at Northeastern University, claimed that the Department of Energy wrote to ask her to remove the term “climate change” from her already-approved grant proposal. Bowen posted an email that appeared to be from the DOE asking her to […]

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