Right-wing media could not be more wrong about the 1.5°C carbon budget paper

By Dana Nuccitelli 27 September 2017 (The Guardian) – Last week, Nature Geoscience published a study suggesting that we have a bigger remaining carbon budget than previously thought to keep global warming below the 1.5°C aggressive Paris climate target. Many scientists quickly commented that the paper’s conclusion was based on some questionable assumptions, and this […]

Macron trumps Trump with “Make Climate Great Again” campaign

By Laurence Coustal 29 September 2017 (AFP News) – French President Emmanuel Macron’s 30-million-euro “Make Climate Great Again” campaign has narrowed a list of candidate scientists from abroad from thousands to 90, nearly half from the US, a French official said Friday.Macron made the offer to fund and host foreign climate experts in early June […]

The desperate but effective attempts to silence climate scientists

By Jeremy Deaton 28 September 2017 (NexusMedia) – People play dirty when they can’t win by playing fair. This is, more or less, the story of climate change denial in the United States.Scientists overwhelmingly agree that humans are altering the climate, reaping changes with potentially catastrophic consequences. Climate deniers can’t dispute the data. They can’t […]

Changes to USGS website highlight the importance of search for public access

By Toly Rinberg and Andrew Bergman 22 September 2017 (EDGI) – As has been true for decades, the ways public data are stored and presented on federal government websites can sometimes be tricky for the public to understand, access, use, and re-use.As federal websites have been changing under the Trump administration, there has been ongoing […]

Climate change terms altered in another corner of EPA’s website

By Dino Grandoni 22 September 2017 (The Washington Post) – Numerous mentions of “climate change,” “greenhouse gasses” and other phrases related to global warming have been found to be altered or deleted from another portion of the Environmental Protection Agency’s website, according to a new environmental watchdog report.At the beginning of President Trump’s term, the […]

This weather is not normal. And it will only get worse. “How many more lives must be destroyed by historic hurricanes, floods, and wildfires before the government admits that climate change is a problem?”

By Emily Atkin 7 September 2017 (New Republic) – The days leading up to Hurricane Harvey’s landfall in Texas last week were some of the most nerve-wracking in meteorological history. Forecasters watched helplessly as a true monster storm—one that would eventually become the most extreme rain event in recorded American history—moved toward Houston, the country’s […]

Gay people to blame for Hurricane Harvey, say evangelical Christian leaders

By Lucy Pasha-Robinson 6 September 2017 (The Independent) – A number of Christian leaders have blamed LGBT people for causing Hurricane Harvey.Despite overwhelming evidence that supports climate change as a factor in the devastating storm and subsequent flooding, a handful of evangelical leaders have ludicrously suggested the LGBT community are to blame. Minister Kevin Swanson, […]

U.S. military is still preparing for global warming even though Trump said to stop

By Tara Copp 13 September 2017 WASHINGTON (Military Times) – The Pentagon has continued to take steps to defend its military bases against extreme weather despite direction from President Donald Trump to stop preparing for climate change. In March, President Donald Trump rescinded all climate-related federal agency actions directed by President Barack Obama. The Obama-era […]

Hurricane Irma won’t “wake up” global warming-denying Republicans, because their whole ideology is on the line – “Climate change detonates the ideological scaffolding on which contemporary conservatism rests”

By Naomi Klein 11 September 2017 (The Intercept) – As one of the most powerful storms ever recorded bore down on the continental United States, with much of Florida under evacuation order, President Donald Trump was focused on a matter of grave urgency.He gathered his cabinet at Camp David and said there was no time […]

Christine Todd Whitman: How not to run the E.P.A. – “The E.P.A. is too important to treat like a reality TV show”

By Christine Todd Whitman 8 September 2017 (The New York Times) – I have been worried about how the Environmental Protection Agency would be run ever since President Trump appointed Scott Pruitt, the former attorney general of Oklahoma, to oversee it. The past few months have confirmed my fears. The agency created by a Republican […]

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