E.P.A. cancels talk on climate change by agency scientists – “It’s definitely a blatant example of the scientific censorship we all suspected was going to start being enforced at E.P.A”

By Lisa Friedman 22 October 2017 WASHINGTON (The New York Times) – The Environmental Protection Agency has canceled the speaking appearance of three agency scientists who were scheduled to discuss climate change at a conference on Monday in Rhode Island, according to the agency and several people involved. John Konkus, an E.P.A. spokesman and a […]

Trump’s EPA scrubs “climate change” from another climate website – “I think it’s very alarming. These are the kind of resources it has taken years to develop across the federal family.”

By Toly Rinberg 20 October 2017 (EDGI) – In the first example of returned content since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began overhauling its climate change website on 28 April 2017, a new website providing content about energy policy for state, local and tribal governments has replaced a previous website, which hosted both climate and […]

Scant oversight, corporate secrecy preceded U.S. weed killer crisis – “This is the first time I’m aware of any herbicide ever brought to market for which there were strict guidelines on what you could and could not test”

By Emily Flitter 8 August 2017 NEW YORK (Reuters) – As the U.S. growing season entered its peak this summer, farmers began posting startling pictures on social media: fields of beans, peach orchards and vegetable gardens withering away. The photographs served as early warnings of a crisis that has damaged millions of acres of farmland. […]

Nomination of climate denialist to head White House environmental office called “creative evil” and “nightmare scenario” – “She will more aggressively go after dismantling all environmental laws: the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Endangered Species Act”

By Hannah Northey 13 October 2017 (E&E News) – President Trump’s nomination of a former Texas regulator who’s touted the benefits of carbon dioxide to lead the Council on Environmental Quality is being praised by industry but derided by environmentalists as “creative evil” and a “nightmare scenario.” If confirmed by the Senate, Kathleen Hartnett White […]

Video: War on the EPA

11 October 2017 (PBS) – How did Scott Pruitt go from fighting the EPA to running the agency and rolling back years of environmental protections? With access to key players behind his rise, War on the EPA is an inside look at the triumphant ascent of the anti-regulatory movement in America.  War on the EPA

Robert Jay Lifton: Our changing climate mind-set

By Robert Jay Lifton 7 October 2017 (The New York Times) – Climate images have never been able to convey our full planetary danger until now. The extraordinary recent four-punch sequence of hurricanes — Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria — threatened the lives of millions of people, obliterated their homes and has raised doubts that […]

Civil servants charge Trump is sidelining workers with expertise on global warming and environment

By Evan Halper 4 October 2017 (The Los Angeles Times) – Interior Department manager Joel Clement figured his new bosses in the Trump administration might disapprove of his climate-change-focused work protecting Alaskan villages from rising seas. But the reassignment slip Clement received in June stunned him. He was not only removed from his post as […]

Girl writes poignant letter to Trump, explaining that global warming is real

By Casey Suglia 23 September 2017 (Romper) – The Earth is warming up and the weather is changing. Say what you will, but this year has shown that global warming and climate change can’t be stopped if world leaders and citizens keep ignoring it. It’s frustrating to know that people — especially those with power […]

Interior Department whistleblower resigns, bipartisan former appointees object to Zinke’s statements – “I got 30 percent of the crew that’s not loyal to the flag”

By Darryl Fears 6 October 2017 (The Washington Post) – An Interior Department executive turned whistleblower who claimed the Trump administration retaliated against him for publicly disclosing how climate change affects Alaska Native communities resigned Wednesday. In a separate criticism of Interior’s leadership, a group of former department officials, from both Republican and Democratic administrations, […]

Edits on ​EPA’s SmartWay ​Program ​website reduce emphasis ​on global warming

19 September ​​2017 (EDGI) – The ​Environmental ​Protection ​Agency ​(EPA) ​changed ​language ​on ​the ​SmartWay Program ​website, ​reducing ​mentions ​of ​carbon, ​greenhouse ​gasses, ​and ​climate change. ​Terms ​like ​“sustainability” ​and ​“emissions” ​replaced ​mentions ​of ​“carbon,” and ​emphasis ​on ​international ​SmartWay ​and ​other ​climate ​efforts ​were ​reduced. Description The ​EPA’s SmartWay ​Program ​was ​established ​in ​2004 […]

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