Trump administration bid to stop childrens’ climate case gets December court date

By Karen Savage 17 November 2017 (Climate Liability News) – Attorneys for the Trump administration will have to convince a judge that pre-trial discovery in a climate change lawsuit filed against the U.S. government would cause it irreparable harm.The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced on Thursday that it will hear oral arguments on Dec. […]

Trump, breaking with precedent, won’t meet with U.S. Nobel recipients, and at least one scientist is relieved – “I will not put my foot into the White House as long as Trump, Pence, or Ryan occupy it”

By Lev Facher 13 November 2017 WASHINGTON (STAT) – President Trump, breaking a tradition that stretches back nearly two decades, will not personally greet the eight American Nobel laureates this year before they travel to Sweden in December to receive their prizes. Not all the honorees are disappointed.Two American Nobel Prize winners, when contacted by […]

U.S. Democrats assail Trump environmental nominees over climate science – “You have a fringe voice that denies science, economics, and reality”

By Lisa Friedman8 November 2017WASHINGTON (The New York Times) – A Senate hearing on nominees for two top environmental posts on Wednesday quickly turned testy over the Trump administration’s ambivalence on climate change science. Andrew R. Wheeler, a lobbyist for Murray Energy, which is owned by Robert E. Murray, an Appalachian coal mining magnate and […]

EPA staffers speak about the agency under Trump – “Do the opposite thing you did 18 months ago”

By Rachel Leven 10 November 2017 (Vox) – Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt doesn’t hide his contempt for how the agency has been run, but he does profess to care about one of its key programs: Superfund, which oversees the cleanup of the nation’s worst toxic waste sites. In April, he toured a site […]

Citing climate change “death and destruction”, Philadelphia group sues U.S. government for knowingly endangering U.S. citizens through climate policy rollbacks

By Bobby Magill 6 November 2017 (Climate Liability News) – An environmental group and two Pennsylvania children filed suit against the Trump administration Monday, accusing the federal government of using “junk science” to reverse federal climate policies and knowingly increasing the “damages, death and destruction” that result from climate change.The suit, filed by Philadelphia’s Clean […]

Frustration sets in after coal mine health study suspended by Trump administration – “What this becomes in the hands of politicians is an excuse for inaction”

By Michael Virtanen 11 November 2017 GLEN DANIEL, W.Va. (Associated Press) – Chuck Nelson spent his life in this corner of Appalachia, working for years in the coal mines — a good job in the economically depressed area. But he says the industry that helped him earn a living cost him his health, and his […]

Republican-controlled Congress ordered destruction of U.S. satellite research into global warming – “This is like throwing away the medical records of a sick patient”

By Robin McKie 5 November 2017 (The Observer) – The Republican majority in the US Congress has been accused of deliberately obstructing research on global warming after it emerged that a critically important technique for investigating sea-ice cover at the poles faces being blocked. The row has erupted after a key polar satellite broke down […]

Trump “not invited” to Paris climate summit

7 November 2017 (AFP) – U.S. President Donald Trump is not among the 100 heads of state and government invited to next month’s climate summit in Paris, a French presidential aide said on Tuesday. “For now, President Donald Trump is not invited,” he said, while noting that representatives of the U.S. government would attend. In […]

As Syria embraces Paris climate deal, it’s the United States against the world – “Trump has isolated the U.S. on the world stage in an embarrassing and dangerous position”

By Brady Dennis 7 November 2017 (The Washington Post) – President Trump has put America at odds with the rest of the world when it comes to the goal of combating climate change.At an international climate conference in Bonn on Tuesday, Syria announced its plans to join the Paris climate accord — an agreement forged […]

Trump’s gang of climate deniers has grown into an army

By Emily Atkin 30 October 2017 (New Republic) – It became clear early in Donald Trump’s presidency that many of his top officials shared a common trait: They were climate deniers. Though “climate denial starts at the top,” the New York Times’ Coral Davenport wrote in March, it was trickling down into a variety of […]

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