Emails show cooperation among EPA and climate science denialists at Heartland Institute

By Ellen Knickmeyer 26 May 2018 WASHINGTON (Associated Press) – Newly released emails show senior Environmental Protection Agency officials working closely with a conservative group that dismisses climate change to rally like-minded people for public hearings on science and global warming, counter negative news coverage, and promote Administrator Scott Pruitt’s stewardship of the agency. John […]

Climate science misrepresented by House Science Committee members

16 May 2018 (Silencing Science Tracker) – Several members of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology misrepresented climate science during a hearing on 16 May 2018. For example: Committee Chair Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) questioned scientific research showing that sea level rise is caused by climate change. Rep. Smith entered into the record […]

White House, EPA blocked chemical pollution study showing widespread contamination of U.S. water supplies, citing “potential public relations nightmare”

By Annie Snider 14 May 2018 (Politico) – Scott Pruitt’s EPA and the White House sought to block publication of a federal health study on a nationwide water-contamination crisis, after one Trump administration aide warned it would cause a “public relations nightmare,” newly disclosed emails reveal. The intervention early this year — not previously disclosed […]

Pentagon revised report to remove risks from climate change – “Taking out maps of critical areas of flooding, that’s pretty fundamental”

By Chris Mooney and Missy Ryan 10 May 2018 (The Washington Post) – Internal changes to a draft Defense Department report de-emphasized the threats climate change poses to military bases and installations, muting or removing references to climate-driven changes in the Arctic and potential risks from rising seas, an unpublished draft obtained by The Washington […]

Trump White House quietly cancels NASA’s Carbon Monitoring System – “We really shoot ourselves in the foot if we let other people develop the technology”

By Paul Voosen 9 May 2018 (Science) – You can’t manage what you don’t measure. The adage is especially relevant for climate-warming greenhouse gases, which are crucial to manage—and challenging to measure. In recent years, though, satellite and aircraft instruments have begun monitoring carbon dioxide and methane remotely, and NASA’s Carbon Monitoring System (CMS), a […]

EPA chief Pruitt overrules staff, gives Wisconsin’s Walker, Foxconn big break on smog

By Michael Hawthorne 2 May 2018 (Chicago Tribune) – The Trump administration on Tuesday exempted most of southeast Wisconsin from the latest federal limits on lung-damaging smog pollution, delivering a political victory to Gov. Scott Walker as he makes a new Foxconn Technology Group factory the centerpiece of his re-election campaign.By dramatically reducing the size […]

Environmental group wants to carve Trump’s face into a glacier to prove global warming is happening

By Christopher Brito 1 May 2018 (CBS News) – An environmental group wants to carve President Trump’s face into an arctic iceberg for one special purpose: To prove climate change is happening. “Melting Ice,” a Finnish non-governmental organization, aims to raise about $500,000 to build a 115-foot monument dedicated to Mr. Trump. Nicholas Prieto, chairman […]

Graph of the Day: Lies and misleading claims by President Trump, January 2017 – April 2018

By Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo, and Kelly Meg 1 May 2018 (The Washington Post) – In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. [For context, […]

Climate Feedback: The Australian’s coverage of Great Barrier Reef study creates perception that scientists are divided

19 April 2018 (Climate Feedback) – This article in The Australian covers a new study published in Nature that concludes global warming played a key role in the recent large-scale bleaching and mortality of corals in the Great Barrier Reef. Based on the comments of a single oceanographer (Prof. Kaempf), the article was headlined “Not […]

Trump administration considers charging for popular Earth-observing data as scientists object – “It would be just a huge setback”

By Gabriel Popkin 24 April 2018 (Nature) – The US government is considering whether to charge for access to two widely used sources of remote-sensing imagery: the Landsat satellites operated by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and an aerial-survey programme run by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).Officials at the Department of the Interior, which oversees […]

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