Trump administration moves to gut National Environmental Policy Act – Environmental review rollbacks would slash protections for air, water, wildlife

WASHINGTON, D.C., 20 June 2018 (CBD) – The Trump administration today launched the largest rollback in history to the protections for air, water and wildlife provided by the National Environmental Policy Act.In a request for public comment on “potential revisions,” the president’s Council on Environmental Quality initiated the assault on regulations outlining the 48-year-old law’s […]

Ex-NASA climate scientist: 30 years on, world is failing miserably to address climate change – “Promises like Paris don’t mean much, it’s wishful thinking. It’s a hoax that governments have played on us since the 1990s.”

By Oliver Milman 19 Jun 2018 NEW YORK (The Guardian) – Thirty years after a former NASA scientist sounded the alarm for the general public about climate change and human activity, the expert issued a fresh warning that the world is failing “miserably” to deal with the worsening dangers.While Donald Trump and many conservatives like […]

EPA research grants cancelled at direction of Trump political appointee – Climate science research targeted

18 June 2018 (Silencing Science Tracker) – On 18 June 2018, E&E News reported that a political appointee at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had ordered the cancellation of several research grants. According to the report, “several grants that included climate change in their description or [were] linked to environmental organizations” were cancelled at the […]

Trump administration tightens rules for federal scientists talking to reporters – “It essentially gives political appointees veto power over science, scientists, and information that the American people should have access to”

By Rong-Gong Lin II 21 June 2018 (Los Angeles Times) – A new directive from the Trump administration instructs federal scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey to get approval from its parent agency before agreeing to most interview requests from reporters, according to employees and emails from officials with the Department of the Interior and […]

Judge orders EPA to produce science behind Administrator Scott Pruitt’s global warming denial

By Scott Waldman5 June 2018(E&E News) – EPA must produce the opposing body of science Administrator Scott Pruitt has relied upon to claim that humans are not the primary drivers of global warming, a federal judge has ruled. The EPA boss has so far resisted attempts to show the science backing up his claims. His […]

Would firing Scott Pruitt save the EPA? “Efforts to silence science are more significant, more ambitious, and more overt than those undertaken by Pruitt’s predecessors”

By by Jennifer Liss Ohayon, Leif Fredrickson, and Christopher Sellers 22 May 2018 (The Washington Post) – So many different scandals have engulfed Scott Pruitt, head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), that multiple publications have created trackers to help readers sort them out. Pruitt’s excessive spending and his fraternization with lobbyists and controversial figures […]

Republican lawmaker: Rocks tumbling into ocean causing sea level rise

By Scott Waldman 17 May 2018 (E&E News) – The Earth is not warming. The White Cliffs of Dover are tumbling into the sea and causing sea levels to rise. Global warming is helping grow the Antarctic ice sheet. Those are some of the skeptical assertions echoed by Republicans on the U.S. House of Representatives […]

Wall Street Journal commentary grossly misleads readers about science of sea level rise – “If this were an essay in one of my undergraduate classes, he would fail”

By Emmanuel M Vincent 18 May 2018 (Climate Feedback) – This commentary published by The Wall Street Journal, written by Fred Singer, claims that warming (and therefore greenhouse gas emissions) has no effect on global sea level rise. Although Singer concedes the physical fact that water expands as its temperature increases, he claims that this […]

Paving the way for Trump: Past presidential assaults on environmental health protection

By Jamie Lyons 1 May 2018 (EDGI) – The Trump administration, including Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Scott Pruitt, has undertaken an assault on environmental health protections. This assault includes deregulation, defunding, staff cuts, and the corrosion of science-based policy.This assault is severe, but is it unprecedented?Based on EDGI’s research, recently published in the American […]

That NASA climate science program Trump axed? House lawmakers just moved to restore it

By Jeffrey Mervis 17 May 2018 (Science News) – A U.S. House of Representatives spending panel voted today to restore a small NASA climate research program that President Donald Trump’s administration had quietly axed. (Click here to read our earlier coverage.)The House appropriations panel that oversees NASA unanimously approved an amendment to a 2019 spending […]

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