Climate change omitted from list of White House research and development priorities

6 August 2018 (Silencing Science Tracker) –  On 31 July 2018, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum outlining the Trump Administration’s research and development (R&D) “priorities.” The memorandum is intended to “provide[] guidance to [federal] agencies as they formulate their Fiscal Year 2020 budget submissions.”The memorandum indicates that federal […]

Losing Earth: The decade we almost stopped climate change

By Nathaniel Rich 1 August 2018 (The New York Times) – The first suggestion to Rafe Pomerance that humankind was destroying the conditions necessary for its own survival came on Page 66 of the government publication EPA-600/7-78-019. It was a technical report about coal, bound in a coal-black cover with beige lettering — one of […]

Supreme Court denies Trump admin request to halt youth climate lawsuit – “This lawsuit becomes more urgent every day as climate change increasingly harms us”

By Dana Drugmand 30 July 2018 (Climate Liability News) – The Supreme Court denied the federal government’s request to halt discovery and the trial in the youth climate lawsuit Juliana v. United States. The court’s rejection on Monday of the defendants’ application for a stay means the case will likely proceed to trial as scheduled […]

Trump attacks Endangered Species Act – “This proposal turns the extinction-prevention tool of the ESA into a rubber stamp for powerful corporate interests”

WASHINGTON, DC, 23 July 2018 (ENS) – The Trump administration is proposing new rules for implementing the Endangered Species Act, ESA, that will make it more difficult to recover Threatened and Endangered species across the country. Conservation groups fear that the revisions would allow drilling, mining and ranching in what is now protected habitat, but […]

U.S. Department of Interior buries communications policy after attempting to justify muzzling scientists

By Michael Halpern 22 June 2018 (Union of Concerned Scientists) – Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times broke the story about the new policy at the U.S. Geological Survey requiring scientists to get permission before speaking to reporters about science. In an attempt to justify the muzzling, a department spokesperson said they were just following an […]

Impacts of climate change downplayed by FEMA

17 July 2018 (Silencing Science Tracker) – On 13 July 2018, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) released an After Action Report on the 2017 hurricane season. The report notes that the 2017 season was especially damaging, with “three major hurricanes in quick succession.” The report does not, however, discuss the impact of climate change […]

Trump administration deletes 20 years of critical online medical guidelines – “There is nothing else like it in the world”

By Jon Campbell 12 July 2018 (The Daily Beast) – The Trump Administration is planning to eliminate a vast trove of medical guidelines that for nearly 20 years has been a critical resource for doctors, researchers and others in the medical community.Maintained by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], part of the Department […]

References to “climate change” removed from U.S. Treasury Department report

2 July 2018 (Silencing Science Tracker) – The U.S. Department of the Treasury removed references to “climate change” from its 2017 sustainability report. Notably, in a departure from the department’s 2016 report, the 2017 version no longer lists “climate change resilience” as a goal. The 2017 version also omits discussion — which had appeared in […]

Video: Trump’s NASA administrator reverses course and accepts the reality of global warming – “I fully believe and know that the climate is changing. I also know that we, human beings, are contributing in a major way.”

28 June 2018 (We Can Solve This) – As a Congressman, Jim Bridenstine spent years as a vocal climate change denialist. It took him less than a month leading NASA to change his mind. #YEARSproject We Can Solve This

Trump administration plan shifts NOAA focus away from climate science to homeland and national security – “A shocking change in the mission of one of the nation’s premier scientific agencies”

By John Schwartz 24 June 2018 (The New York Times) – The Trump administration appears to be planning to shift the mission of one of the most important federal science agencies that works on climate change — away from climate change.The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is part of the Department of Commerce, operates […]

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