Trump thinks scientists are split on climate change – So do most Americans – But studies show that more than 90 percent of climate scientists agree that humans cause global warming

By Dana Nuccitelli 22 October 2018 (The Guardian) – When queried about the most recent IPCC report, Republican lawmakers delivered a consistent, false message – that climate scientists are still debating whether humans are responsible. The previous IPCC report was quite clear on this, attributing 100% of the global warming since 1950 to human activities. […]

Record measles outbreak raging in Europe – “It’s unacceptable to have in the 21st century diseases that should have been and could have been eradicated”

By Lauren Dunn and Linda Carroll 21 October 2018 (NBC News) – A raging measles outbreak in Europe may be a warning sign of what could occur in the U.S. if something doesn’t change soon, experts say. So far this year, there have been 41,000 cases in Europe and 40 deaths, according to the World […]

Trump EPA scraps pair of air pollution science panels – “By removing science and scientists, they are making it easier for the administration to set a weaker standard”

By Dino Grandoni and Juliet Eilperin 13 October 2018 (The Washington Post) – The Environmental Protection Agency moved this week to disband two outside panels of experts charged with advising the agency on limiting harmful emissions of soot and smog-forming pollutants.The agency informed scientists advising the EPA on the health impacts of soot that their […]

Trump EPA disbands science panel on air pollution

11 October 2018 (Silencing Science Tracker) – On 11 October 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) disbanded the particulate matter (PM) review panel. In the past, the panel has provided advice to EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), which is responsible for reviewing the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for criteria pollutants. Under […]

Trump says climate change not a hoax, but denies lasting impact – “It’ll change back”

By Emily Holden 15 October 2018 (The Guardian) – Donald Trump has reiterated his doubts about climate change, suggesting that the climate could “change back again,” and that climate scientists are politically motivated. The US president has long questioned man-made global warming. In an interview with CBS programme 60 Minutes that aired Sunday night, he […]

Major climate report describes a strong risk of crisis as early as 2040 – “Quite a shock, and quite concerning”

By Coral Davenport 7 October 2018 INCHEON, South Korea (The New York Times) – A landmark report from the United Nations’ scientific panel on climate change paints a far more dire picture of the immediate consequences of climate change than previously thought and says that avoiding the damage requires transforming the world economy at a […]

As storms keep coming, FEMA spends billions rebuilding in disaster-prone areas – “Human settlements have been designed in a way that reflects a climate of the past”

By Kevin Sack and John Schwartz 8 October 2018 DAVANT, Louisiana (The New York Times) – In the exact spot where Hurricane Katrina demolished the Plaquemines Parish Detention Center, a new $105 million jail now hovers 19 feet above the marsh, perched atop towering concrete pillars. Described by a state official as the “Taj Mahal” […]

Architect of Paris climate accord criticizes Australia government’s policy on carbon emissions – “Mr. Morrison’s stance goes against the science, spirit, and letter of the Paris agreement”

By Nicole Hasham 3 October 2018 (The Sydney Morning Herald) – A key architect of the landmark Paris climate deal has lambasted the Coalition government’s inaction on greenhouse gas emissions, saying it “goes against the science”, squanders economic opportunity and risks Australia’s international standing. Laurence Tubiana, a respected French diplomat and economist, also says Prime […]

Scientists say they’ve found the driver of false beliefs, and it’s not a lack of intelligence

By David Nield 9 September 2018 (Science Alert) – Why is it sometimes so hard to convince someone that the world is indeed a globe, or that climate change is actually caused by human activity, despite the overwhelming evidence?Scientists think they might have the answer, and it’s less to do with lack of understanding, and […]

FEMA Administrator Brock Long defends Trump on Puerto Rico death toll studies by misrepresenting the science

By Ben Kamisar 16 September 2018 WASHINGTON (NBC News) – FEMA Administrator Brock Long Sunday questioned the relevance of independent studies tying thousands of deaths to the aftermath of last September’s hurricane in Puerto Rico, echoing President Donald Trump’s criticism of those findings as Florence continues to batter the Carolinas. [cf. Death toll in Puerto […]

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